Beth and I just finished Wolverine and the X-Men. This was probably the best X-Men animated series yet. It was close enough to the comics to maintain the characters but different enough that you weren't sure what was going to happen next. It certainly had the highest production values of any X-Men series. The only thing that I disagree with is the depiction of Magneto in the last three episodes. They took what is supposed to be a tragically noble character who just has a skewed point of view and made him truly evil. That part didn't sit well with me.Its just a shame that they weren't able to do a second season due to Marvel's bankruptcy. They obviously had an idea for the second season and set up Apocalypse as the next villain so its to bad we won't get to see how that would have turned out.
As I noted before, Beth and I have been watching The Big Bang Theory. We're now almost at the end of season 3. I kind of see where
valmora was coming from. Sheldon does display some autistic traits and he seems more clueless about human interaction in the later seasons but generally wanting to be nice than in the first season where he just seemed smug and arrogant. I am somewhat saddened since Beth and I associate so strongly with this show that Leonard and Penny broke up. I've told myself that its just a show but it still feels like we broke up last night when we saw that episode. It was very sad but oh well I'll get over it and hopefully they get back together later in the series.