They're robots that turn into vehicles!

Feb 19, 2011 21:51

Recently I've taken to suggesting shows to Rachel that we can watch together. For those of you not "in the know" Rachel's autism makes it difficult to get her to watch anything that she isn't used to watching. We then run into the problem where eventually once she's seen one of the shows on Nick Jr umpteen million times, she's bored with it but doesn't want to watch anything else. Recently we've made a few strides. She'll actually sit through Beauty and the Beast and has requested it upon occasion. She also watches Doctor Who with me now, which is a substantial gain because its the first totally live action show or movie which she'll watch. This started shortly after we went to Chicago TARDIS so I guess getting to meet and interact with some of the characters sparked something with her. She likes Daleks and K-9 so we actually alternate between the early B&W episodes, which she calls "Daleks" (because Daleks appeared in the 2nd story and that's the one that I started with her on) and the color ones which she calls K-9 (started with Sunmakers because I thought it was the earliest one that featured K-9 prominently).

So anyhow, lately I just randomly suggest things for us to watch. The other night after dinner and while Beth was at work I said, "Rachel do you want to watch Dragonball with me?"


"Do you want to watch Sakura with me?"


"Do you want to watch Transformers with me?"


You don't know how happy this made me. Finally I can sit down and watch the best cartoon of my early childhood with my daughter. The best thing is that right now she is almost exactly the same age that I was when I first saw Transformers. For some reason she's shown a remarkable attachment to Sideswipe. Unfortunately even though I still have all of my 80 transformers in storage, Sideswipe is not one of the ones that I ever owned, so now I'm scouring ebay for a deal.

I hope that this acceptance of new things continues. She can't get enough of Transformers right now. I should have known since she is obsessed with robots (she thinks that Daleks are robots and K-9 naturally falls in that mold as well) and the subject header above is exactly what she said to me with complete excitement in her voice. If there was ever a show more suited to Rachel then I don't know what it is.

This makes me VERY happy!
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