Mar 11, 2007 10:37
Okay, so I've been literally putting an axe to my social life this weekend, and probably will be repeating such behaviour next weekend as well. NEVERTHELESS, the weekend after that is my birthday, the 30th, and I know whoever is reading this cannot wait to purchase expensive bling for yours truly. Taking this into consideration, if you so desire to show your appreciation for my birth/existence/awesomeness/glorious future as a person WHO DOES have half a brain in material possessions, then I have one request:
a burnt cd... of any music you think works... I won't even be disappointed if on my birthday I receive only two cds that turn out to have almost identical list of songs on each... I know to look beyond that, and see the beauty of your valiant effort to sacrifice your time endlessly clicking on your mouse for what must have amounted to days, no weeks of your own sweat and urine poured into this project. I already know that I will never be able to repay you and I can only hope you receive some kind of humanitarian award in recognition of your efforts. No really, you are too kind... sniff.