Oh, the things we do.

Apr 20, 2005 01:37

For eighteen years I have prayed to God every single night. I always pray for the sick, expecting mothers, the soliders and their families, and the ppl who need God for other reasons. I thank Him for each day and all the things that he blesses me with. I always ask forgiveness for the things I mess up on. I've always thought it selfish to pray for yourself, but lately I have no other choice. I feel like God is my only friend..he listens when no one else does. No Im not perfect and I don't go to church every Sunday. But I dont sin throughout the week like other folks do. I dont drink, do drugs, sleep around, I dont even lie (trust me, I cant do it), or any of that. Yes, I cuss, Ive cheated on a test, and I've flicked ppl off while driving. The only reason I can think of for sharing this is because everyone misinterrprets my intentions. Instead of being critical, how about getting to know someone and finding their true self. No one is genuine anymore, we are all hypocritical, two-faced, and we spend all day pointing fingers at everyone but ourselves. If you hear someone has said something bad about you, don't try to verbally rape them, besides what does that do? If someone talks bad about you, just walk away and let them think they've gotten the best of you. And if you're told by someone that you've been talked about, don't always be so sure the messenger hasn't spoken foully about you as well. Also, why are we all so quick to judge. There is people I couldn't stand because of something as dumb as their appearence and then when I get to know them they turn out to be a really good friend. Or vice versa, I've liked people because of their appearence and they turn out to be a horrible person. I can name two or three ppl that honestly know me (not including family), and the rest just think they have me figured out and it eats me up inside they think Im this horrible person for some OPINIONS that I have, but they never stop to get an explanation on why I feel this way before they are running off at the mouth. Why must ppl argue, constantly? If its obvious you won't agree, then DONT. Just agree to disagree and talk about something else. All this hot air is effecting the ozone. And why is it that the ppl you care for more than anything hurt you the most? I bust my butt for some ppl and I never get any appreciation. All ppl know how to do is complain and nothing is ever good enough. An example is yearbook: unless you are on the yrbk staff you will never know how hard THIS particular book has been to put together and how hard we've worked on it. But the only feedback I'll ever get is the mistakes. If there was ONE typo in 170 pages, I will be tormented for the rest of my life because of it. I will be the one who screwed it up. I'm sure life would be much more enjoyable if we didnt sit around and thrive off of 'he said/she said.' Just live for yourself, it's your life..why be miserable. Chrisopher James Erthal said it best when he said, "Im just bored with life." As for now, Im going to try to listen to my own advice.

{No, this entry wasn't towards any certain person. And yes, I am aware that I am guilty of all things Ive talked about. I have just been absorbing things this week and everything seemed to hit the ceiling at once.}
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