IC - Has settled pretty well in Camp! He knows the ins and outs. He mocks the newbies. He probably has experimented on everything not-camper/counselor in Camp already. In essence. He is BORED. But unwilling to let his frustrations get to him again. Being killed before kind of put a whole bunch of questions and curiosities onto the table but he's sort of been putting off pursuing anything like that because. Attempt at being sane. Can has it. There's also the whole Medusa thing. Let's just say that he's very tempted to just give it up and if he didn't have students in camp, he probably would.
OOC - I have been failing MAJORLY at playing him. There was that huge mess with me not playing out the insanity crisis months ago and now I've just kind of lost my grove with him. Except I've been feeling the want and need to play him again but h-haha. It's like no one cares about that, so I post and nothing happens and derp. It's like everyone's silently telling me to drop and I DON'T WANT TO ;; loev mad scientist.
IC - Is also settled into camp! This is both good and bad because Prussia has been adamantly resisting the whole settling thing because HE KNOWS IT'S GOING TO BE TEMPORARY AND SOMEONE WILL LEAVE AND FFFFF and yet the whole mess that happened to him this summer--losing his eye, bonding with Nobodies, fighting with Ikki, making up to Ikki (which turned out to be more like swearing an oath of fidelity like any good medieval soldier would fffffff which, afterward, he was punched anyway lolol)--has kind of. Made him grudgingly go, "Okay, so maybe I'm a bit attached." Which is a huge admission to himself and he's been adjusting to that idea. But since then, he has actually been better about not getting into trouble, he carries a gun with him wherever he goes (courtesy of Deb who, lol, Camp engaged him to via slap). IN OTHER WORDS: Prussia has gotten his footing in camp. Finally. It took him a while but it's something at least. Of course then MORE NOBODIES (who he needs to meet, fffff) and then ANCIENT FUCKING ROME show up. And Rome wants to drill him back into be the soldier-type he KNOWS he can be and just... continue to fix Prussia up from the mess he's been for a while. Fun times!
OOC: Definitely not dropping him anytime soon, but I have needed the whole break from him for a little while. He'll likely end up in troublesome situations soon but that's cool. I like to get him in trouble. I've just needed the break he got from it this fall. Derp.
IC - Settled into camp in the terms of He Is Doing His Job. Meaning, he's been investigating and... doing little else. Mai's probably been helping him out and probably is beginning to think he needs to get out and socialize more, but Naru really only ever listened to Lin about things and really there's no point in socializing. He needs to figure out how to get the Director to pay him for his time being trapped in camp when his time is valuable 8|
OOC - Iiiiii don't really have much to plot for in terms of his character. He's very blase about things and very stoic, so it's hard to get him out talking with others. It doesn't help that he's a LOGICAL personality. Meaning he cannot be fooled into unnecessary things easily. orz. He's also high on the drop list.
IC - IS COMFORTABLE BUT RESTLESS in camp. He's very much a busybody who does get into people's business (lol Yuta) and worries about Akira and Kengo a lot since they're the only ones he knows from home, but. Well. He's also restless because there are THINGS he has to do at home. And there's also the fact that he could easily get into a situation where he could use the last of his waning energy and... then? Now, Muraki had offered to help him out with that problem but ever since the whole thing with Kengo started up, Kou's been wary of Muraki. Since. Pedo. And there is something fishy about the good doctor. Kou can smell these things, man--though he might not know EXACTLY what's up with that. But overall, Kou doesn't let on that he's ansty and just has fun at other people's expense.
OOC - I need to canon review badly but beyond this, I do enjoy playing Kou whenever I do get him out and interacting with people. He's a playful punk who's also a bit of a puppy and I love getting to play him off of people of a similar nature. I also look forward to when he runs into someone who rubs him completely the wrong way and-or is very dominating. He is very resistant to such things because HE ALREADY HAD A MASTER, DAMN IT >8|
The Player
- . . . l-lol. I have not been in a good place CFUD-wise. Mostly because I'm getting the whole performance anxiety from posting or commenting. I'm scared to bring out the characters I want to play more because "what if I'm not playing them because people think I should drop because I don't play them?" and other such stupid thoughts. It doesn't help that a couple of times I've tried posting, there haven't been any comments--AND I DON'T MEAN TO WHINE ABOUT THIS but you guys gotta know how that can hit the RP self-esteem. So I'm. Really wary about things right now. I think adding a new character to my line might help me out, but then I think about the apping process and get a bit unnerved and put it off. S-so. Yeah. The only ones I feel safe playing right now are Prussia and Kou, and Prussia more-so than Kou because he's easy to voice. But I do want to play my two scientific-types. I just... dunno how to go about it without feeling like I'm being judged or... something. idk. I THINK IT'S MOSTLY IN MY HEAD? \O_o/