VM fic: Quit living on dreams (Duncan, NC17)

Mar 05, 2006 20:48

Title: Quit Living On Dreams
Author: Kaze
Characters: Duncan, mentions of D/V, L/V
Word Count: 1,105 words
Spoilers: everything up until ‘Donut Run’
Warnings: NC-17. Sick and disturbing. Adult-themed. Don’t read if you’re easily offended.
Disclaimer: VM and its characters belong to Rob Thomas.

A/N: I’m sick. There’s no other explanation. This came to me Friday morning and demanded to be written although I have a ton of other fics (and, of course, other stuff) to do instead. I apologize in advance for this story.
As always, thanks to fickledame and blue_icy_rose for their beta.
I stole the title from Falco's 'Jeanny'. Whoever knows this song, knows what this story is about.

You watch her sleep, peaceful, the ever-present frown finally gone from her face and a little smile playing around her lips. She’s wearing the white dress again (your favorite) reminding you of the first time she was yours, when things were still hard between you. But you left all of that behind you now, all the secrets and lies you turned your back on when you took her hand and fled with her to Mexico. Your baby daughter starts wailing and Veronica stirs, so you quickly stand up to calm the child so as not to disturb your love’s sleep.

You lean down to smooth back the broken strap of her dress, making it seem whole again. She had smiled at you indulgently when you had asked her to put on the dress. Then she had cocked an eyebrow and asked you to turn around while she stripped down to her white cotton panties, and you, grinning like a madman, had obliged. She had tapped on your shoulder when she was finished changing almost shyly, and when you had turned, you hadn’t been able to stop from kissing her, relishing in her giggles.

It had been cramped in Lamb’s car, but you hadn’t minded snuggling as close to her as you could get, breathing in the vanilla scent of her hair. You were together, finally, as you had always been supposed to be, from the start, till the end.

Lilly - the original one - leans down over Veronica’s sleeping form, the blood from her head wound dripping onto Veronica’s pristine dress. You frown and you want to tell your sister to stop tainting your girlfriend, but as always, Lilly is faster than you.

“She looks funny,” Lilly says, poking Veronica in the ribs. The younger girl stirs again almost as if she can feel the ghost’s touch. “All cotton candy again. And just for you, Donut.”

“Don’t call me that,” you reply automatically. Dead Lilly smirks while baby Lilly looks at her with Veronica’s eyes.

“Meg’s eyes,” the dead Lilly reminds you, but you ignore her. You place your daughter back into her cradle and return to your place beside Veronica. Her eyes are open now and she looks at you, right past Lilly, still a bit sleepy.

“Good morning,” you say while smoothing her hair out of her face before running your fingers through the long, wavy locks.

“Morning,” she replies drowsily and yawns. She moves up for a kiss and you’re happy to oblige.

“I love you,” you whisper against her mouth and she smiles.

“I love you too,” she murmurs back, one hand softly caressing your cheek.

There’s a disturbing sound in the back of your head and you realize that it’s your dead sister cackling.

“How sweet,” she mocks, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Too bad for you that Logan is a better lay.”

You frown at the thought of your former best friend who stole away all the girls you ever loved. But not again, never again, you tell yourself as you lean down over Veronica and press her into the mattress. She gives in willingly, spreading her legs for you and pulling you down with her arms. You zip open your pants and then you’re inside of her and she moans, her face obscured by a curtain of blond hair. Dead Lilly leans down over your back, whispering in your ear as blood trickles on your neck and cheek and you resist the urge to wipe it away.

“Hm, interesting,” your sister analyzes. “Not nearly close to the sounds she used to make when Logan got her all hot and bothered.” You frown again and pound harder, earning a gasp from your girlfriend. Dead Lilly snorts.

“I used to watch them, you know? They were quite the item, Logan and Veronica. I got off just looking at Veronica’s face when Logan made her come. I never let them see me though.”

You squeeze your eyes shut, wishing you could do the same with your ears, but you still hear your sister’s mocking laugh. You feel jittery fingers on your chest and you open your eyes to see Veronica staring at you, wide-eyed and trusting.

“I’ve always loved you,” she says, as if she knows you need the reassurance. “We were always meant to be. Together forever.”

She’s blushing and insecure and you crush your mouth against hers when you come inside of her welcoming body. You roll off her, taking her with you so that she’s plastered over your chest with her face tucked safely in the crook of your neck.

You’re still enjoying the afterglow, when a squad of FBI agents storm into your room. Dead Lilly jumps up and down, clapping her hands as she cheers the agents on. Blood is flowing freely from her wound - drops flying everywhere because of her jerky movements and you want to tell her to stop staining the walls. The breath is knocked out of you when an FBI agent throws you to the floor and kneels on your back.

You turn your face towards Veronica, ignoring the burn on your chin when you force it over the cheap motel carpet. Two agents are turning her around, holding her down to the floor and she looks at you with fearful eyes.

“Don’t let them take me away from you,” she says and you strain against the agent holding you to get to her, but he’s too strong and you can’t get to her and watch helplessly as they lay her on a gurney. She mouths ‘help me’ right before they close the zipper of the black plastic bag over her face and you want to scream at them to let her out, to leave your girlfriend alone and that she can’t possibly breathe in there.

The agent holding you clobbers you over the head with his gun and yells into your ear: “Shut up, you sick bastard!”

When they carry your half-conscious body outside, you see a female agent with her arms crossed as she talks to her black companion. “According to the body temperature, he must have already killed her in Neptune, when she refused to come with him. Let’s just get her back home quickly, so that her father can say goodbye.”

Dead Lilly sits on the roof of the police car you’re shoved in and waves at you. You don’t know what happened to baby Lilly but you’ll make sure to tell one of the agents that the Mannings are evil and can never have your daughter. Maybe Veronica can look after her while you’re in prison.
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