(no subject)

Jul 12, 2004 17:02

Well, it has been awhile since I have updated and that's not because nothing has been going on, it is just that I have been ubberly busy with summer classes. I must say that while summer classes are kicking my ass I am having such a great time. First off I have an amazing statistic professor. I mean she just utterly rocks! Today she was talking about saying one thing and writing another and if we catch her doing it to stop her and she was like, "Yeah I'm sure I have a bizarre case of statistical tourettes!" She like is the most down to earth, intelligent woman around this campus on statistical stuff!

The excitement for this weekend was that I got stung by a bee! Yes Mary the person allergic to everything is ALSO allergic to BEES! Lucky for me it was on my arm so I didn't have to go to the hospital and I had gotten benedryl into my system within 7 minutes of getting stung and FINALLY today (3 days AFTER the fact) my arm is getting back to normal size! I went to the dr's and got some meds for it that won't knock me on my ass like benedryl does and I got a perscriptionprescriptionHATE bees and here in E-burg we have TONS of them.

Next week should be interesting as I'm going to be having my two lil' cousins over for the ENTIRE week! Yes I'll be responsible for a 13 year old and an 11 year old. I have classes in the morning but we are planning fun things for the evening. Like riding our bikes to get ice cream and a day in Seattle at the zoo! I really do enjoy my lil' cousins so it should be a grand old time!

By the way messages for individuals...Tia when do you leave for Ireland??? Lauren...just wishing you a digity dank day!
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