Sep 27, 2005 18:24
I think this dispute of the validity of humor in Carey's post can obviously be settled in a cage fight. Or a dance off. Carey can look cute (in an apron) and bounce around while pointing her fingers/conducting. Spooner will do the shimmy. Maybe even the Harlem Shake. Whoever wins will be crowned J-Lo DaSpoon and given her choice of husband/fiancee/big fat diamond. (Booty pants will be provided in case of a champion lacking junk in da trunk.) Fans will be forced to pick sides. Carey's side will all be given fresh muffins and will sit with their ankles politely crossed. Spooner's side will be able to do whatever the crap they want. Carey's side will try to distract Spooner by waiting on men and checking mirrors to make sure their appearance is flawless. Spooner's side will try to distract Carey by singing in the wrong key or having slightly off tonality. Everyone will be given puppies and glitter. I forget what the point was but who cares!?! Dance off's are totally sweet and we should do one. The proceeds will go to the benefit of the winner's choice. (And no, Spooner, Popeye's is not considered a benefit.)