May 21, 2009 15:46
Including the batch currently fermenting, we have produced over 42 gallons of beer! This might cause you to ask what we are doing with 42 gallons of beers, and the answer is "shut up, and no I do NOT have an problem!".
Batch #4, aka "Desperado" was and 8 gallon IPA ... not over-the-top hoppy, it was in fact *delicious*, and leveled out at about 6% A.B.V. We carbonated with some saved wort from the brewing process, which worked out really well - making this the first batch that used only malt, hops, yeast and water. This one was good enough that having several gallons of it kicking around was actually kind of a problem.
Batch #5, aka "Excellent" is a porter brewed from a recipe from the internet. The actually process of brewing was the smoothest yet, but we overshot our target volume and ended up with a full ten gallons, and about 5.25% A.B.V alcohol content. It's good stuff, dark and delicious.
Batch #6, aka "Fraggle Rock", kind of riffs off our 3rd batch, "Coatrack", but the brew supply store had the much vaunted Centennial hops which we used instead of the cascade (also more of in general) ... we ended up with about 8.5 gallons of this, and we will see if we can get around 7.0% alcohol by volume? Full recipe, for posterity...
* 19 lbs pale 2-row malt
* 2.5 lbs dark munich malt
* 1.5 lbs crystal 60L malt
* 4.5 oz chinook hops (bittering)
* 0.5 oz cascade hops (bittering, we had this kicking around)
* 4 oz centennial hops (aroma)
* Then we will dry-hop with another 2 oz centennial hops....
'Fraggle Rock' will be ready for drinking in about a month....