I saw this post on
AppleInsider and pretty much sums up how I feel about the whole IP lawsuits surrounding Apple, Inc. Personally, I do not believe in suing the crap out of everything but that’s the world we live in, sadly.
“The key thing is that Apple not become the developer for the world, we need people to invent their own stuff,” Cook said.
The problem is that Apple has become the R&D center for everyone else. This is the reality regardless of what the iHaters say. Blatant copiers like Samsung will tweak their products just so much that they can just litigate it in court for years until the next product that Apple produces can be copied, then it’s rinse and repeat. Apple will come out with the next revolution, and then the Same-sung folks will then claim it was just the “natural progression” of technology so it’s okay to copy it.
I think Apple has really showed the competition how pathetic their ability to innovate on their own has become. Sure, Apple did not invent the phone, computer, GUI, etc… but they sure as hell packaged it, polished it, and marketed it in ways no one else ever do. Google copies iOS, Samsung copies the iPhone, and even with that they both still have a crappy product.
Such a shame that true R&D no longer exists except for maybe Microsoft and their Windows8 product. At least I give them kudos for at least doing their own thing.
Current Mood: tired
Originally published at
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