I just wanted to take a minute to pay my respect and give thanks for what Mr. Jobs has done through his life. He has done many insanely great things. I for one, had deep respect and admiration for him. In many ways, I may not be working in IT if it was not for him. I still to this day own our family’s first Macintosh, model M0001, the original 128k (yes, it still works). From there I always used Apple IIe’s then on the Mac. Those years really opened my eyes to personal computing at a young age. Then, when I was all of 11 years old I saw Mr. Jobs return back to the company he help start. Even then, I knew he would do great things. Watching the launch of the new iMac, iPod, many more amazingly designed macs, OS X, more amazing iPods, infamous iPhone & iPad. Taking a company only a few months from bankrupt to one of the largest companies in the world. Now, you may not like or agree with Apple or its politics etc, but have to at least give credit to the man to whom many of our great technology creations he had a big hand in. So thank you Mr. Jobs for inspiration. Rest in piece.
Steve Jobs 1955-2011
Current Mood: sad