Summer 2011

Aug 16, 2011 06:35

Well it has been a long LONG time since I have wrote anything worth wild in here. Figured I should at least write something. My summer has been pretty busy that is for sure. Starting off, my brother came to visit it me and while he was here, decided to buy a house around the corner from me as a rental. So starting Memorial weekend I had been in charge of getting it rent-able. We ended up putting in new flooring, repainting, and a bunch of other minor things. Pretty much ate up most of my free time in June; weekends etc. July started off a little slower (and most defently hotter). It also found me turning a quarter century old on the 12th. Not going to sugar coat it, it was a depressing birthday. It was on a Tuesday so I had work, plus everyone else who would be interested in the fact it was my birthday was also busy and or working. Oh well was just another day right? On the good side was I spent the 4th in Jacksonville, Florida visiting family. Oh how I so love being a beach bum!  Twards the end of July on the other paw was a lot more busy. Yukon & Podamy moved forward with plans we had talked about much earlier in the year and decided to move in my place.  It is MUCH better not only to have roommates again, but roommates I can hang out and do stuff with (the extra $$$ is a big help as well). Podamy still spends most of his time in Augusta for the time being while he is finding work up here. He does come up on weekends and whenever else its feasible. Now fast-forward to last weekend we had an epic BBQ / random party. Yukon & I fired up the grill around 4:30pm and were grilling up until about 9ish at night (okay, so Yukon did most of the work, heh). We had grilled BBQ chicken drumsticks, steak kabobs that had been maritiaing for 14 hours, amazing tuna macrionoi salad compliments of Yukon’s guest Edminton, and grilled sweetcorn on the cobb. That and not to mention a fine drink blend of rum and coke, long island’s, electric lemon-aids, and of course Jagur bombs. A fur from my past has been recently hanging out again with me and he came over as well. So all in all there was five of us (plus Dustin). As far as things coming up, the plan is to hit up MFM over Labor Day weekend. My time off was approved and all systems are looking good to go. Only small hurdler is finding someone to watch my doggy but Im sure I can work that out. After that who knows. I would LOVE to try to hit up a beach again before season completely slips away. Just have to see how things roll.

Current Mood:  content

Originally published at Dasoslukos Den

news, journal

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