Final Chapter: This Is Not My Place

Mar 19, 2012 19:06

She’s back in KLIA after a year in Penang. And now, she’s heading back to Korea. She enjoyed staying in Penang, with the new environment. And surprisingly, she seems to enjoy the warm weather of Penang Island. She had the bestest memory in Penang and she thought she found her love there. But, like people said, the best things don’t last long. And now, she wasn’t sure whether she’ll be enjoying the life of Penang anymore. She felt everybody hated her and because of that she was not sure whether she could go back to Penang anymore. She cried for hours, mostly because she had already become attached to this place. And what regret her most was she lost everything that she built there. She wanted to be there still, but she doubted that. And as somebody had mentioned before, she didn’t belong here. That was not her place.

She let a sigh. Her life was so messed up now. She never regretted coming back to Korea. She missed her grandparents so much. And her only moment to be with her grandparents was during this schools holiday. She can’t just leave rents alone as she knew they missed her as much she missed them too.

She trailed her bag, opened the front pocket, reaching a small gift from Ryeowook. Her best friend cried so much when she found out that she’s coming back to Korea. At first, she refused to talk to Sungmin, thinking that she had betrayed their friendship. They had a big fight after the exam and both of them cried hard. . She was lucky when Rainie jie willing to help her. And yesterday, she came to see her and cried her out, asking for forgiveness for misunderstanding and ignoring her. In a minute, they reconciled. Eunhyuk came too. And again, the three of them cried together on the bed hugging each other. They patched up their friendship and laughed at themselves for the misunderstanding. She was glad that all the misunderstandings resolved. And her only regret was she didn’t see the boy that she loved before coming back to Korea. And she really hoped he knew about the misunderstanding and will forgive her later.

Kibum, became nosy as he is, just laughed at all them. As if she’ll be gone forever! He chuckled and spoke to them. All the 3 girls end up caught the boy and torture him, before Heechul came and rescued her beloved son. Since only Sungmin coming back to Korea, Heechul packed things for her parents in Korea. Seeing her daughter bullying her own brother, Heechul gave abusive nagging to Sungmin, forcing her to pack her luggage alone.

She held the small gift that was given by Ryeowook. Ryeowook had asked her not to open it until she arrived in Korea. According to her, it’s a special present from a special someone. When Sungmin inquired more, Ryeowook refused to tell the details. She looked again at the small box, her curiosity built up, she couldn’t wait anymore. It was nicely wrapped in pink. She unwrapped the present and saw the letters attached together. She opened the case, she saw a pendant a key heart locket. It was nicely engraved, with initial KM on it. Just below the pendant, she saw a small photo. It’s the photo of her singing with her pink guitar during the performance at Gala night. She smile and open the letter

To my dear Han Sungmin, the most adorable person in the world

She sniffed on the letter heading and continued reading.

Miss Pink, Pouty Lip,

Thanks for being a good friend. The one that easily blushed everytime being teased. Thanks for your lovely smile when Miss Lim cracked a lame jokes. I missed your lovely pouty lip that drives my heart wild. And lastly, I love your innocence, pure heart that melted me. Thanks for being there eventhough only for a moment.

I hope you are happy with the path you’re taking. I just wish that you can open your eyes and heart and give me the chance. I’m sorry for what I did wrong... I still cannot forget you. Saranghae<3<3<3

Thanks Miss Pink Lover, I really hope we’ll meet again. And when I see you again, I hope you’ll see your own truly happiness and love with me. Let’s pray for our love...

Kyuhyun - your Mc Dreamy

Sungmin folded the letter. Her tears threatened to fall. She quickly wiped it. Afar, she saw Siwon came towards her. She slipped the letter into her bag and walked towards her friend. Together, she walked with him to the mentioned gate, to head back to Korea. I’m sorry, you’re late. Even if you come here to ask me not to go back now, I’m still going. You hurt me so much with your words. I’ll follow Siwon back. Cause I have too... Good bye, Kyuhyun. I hope I’ll see you again soon.

After 7 hours in the flight, she arrived at Incheon International Airport waiting for her grandparents to pick her up. Alone in her own country, suddenly she felt very lonely. Now she missed Penang more compared to here. Her being alone here, make her become soulless. Suddenly, she hated the cold breeze of Incheon. And she missed the warmness that she left back in Malaysia. She shivered, sensing her nose becoming more stuffed and causing her to sneeze.

“Are you okay?” Siwon had been trying his best keeping her company. He stayed with Sungmin, waiting for Sungmin’s grandparents to pick her. He handed her a cup of hot coffee, and smile. She just nodded. Her head was aching because of long flight and she was tired. Silently, she was mad at her grandparents for picking up her late.

“I’m sorry causing so much trouble when I came to Penang for you. Initially, I wanted to pursue you back. But I realised, I don’t belong to you anymore. I can sense I lost you the moment I laid my eyes on you in the class. Your sparkling beautiful gaze is only set on one person, and it’s not me.”

He stopped for a moment. Sungmin not responded to any of it. Her head was down looking at the floor. He sighed before continued back

“And my guess becomes true when I saw you with him. He is not handsome as me, but I know he really love you more than himself, and his stupid game, Starcraft. He is snarky and snobbish person, but his heart melted only for you. You really change him. And he has change you too” Sungmin tilted his head, eyes catching Siwon’s gaze. She was crying when she heard it. Her pleaded look causing Siwon too break into tears as well.

“Sungmin, don’t fight with your heart anymore. All the people around you had already know about your heart. You are a transparent soul. Don’t deny your feeling towards him. You’ll lose more than what you lose now.”

“But Oppa... what about you?” Sungmin finally manage to find words to Siwon.

“I’ll do fine. I’m sure I’ll find other person for me. Maybe she might be cuter or more beautiful than you..” Siwon smirked at her, causing the girl to pinch his left arm. She whined and gave another punch to Siwon causing the boy to yelp. He quickly ran from Sungmin causing her to pout more. You’ll do fine, Choi Siwon...

She then saw the grandparents waving to her.

“Halmeoni!” she ran to her grandmother and hugged her tightly.

“Shush dear, I know what happen. Be strong baby. Welcome home. We’ll take care of you here. Forget the past” Leeteuk hugged her favourite granddaughter tight, she also could feel her pain inside. And she almost broke as the pain was unbearable. She was sad for her granddaughter for having such a problem at such young age. She wished that she could take away the pain from her. She glad, that her granddaughter decided to go back to Korea. She certainly needed her own time to think of everything. Leeteuk wished her granddaughter can forget all about Penang for now.

“But, halmeoni. You know I only come back for my semester break right? I’m not staying here with you and Harabeoji. I want to go back to Penang after this”

“Aigoo, looks who’s talking now. I remember 1 year ago, this childish little girl was crying out loud, refused to go to Penang. And now, she refused to stay and take care of her poor grandparents. Aigoo, Kangin-ah. Why do we have such bratty granddaughter? I missed my sweet lil Sungmin, who always love me”

“Halmeoni! I’m still your sweet lil Sungmin. It’s just I grew up and become more beautiful. And I’m not bratty, Han Kibum is” Sungmin pouted to her grandparents, causing both of them to laugh on her aegyo. They were happy, despite of her sadness, she still kept her cuteness with her.

“Come, dear. Let’s go now” Kangin took her luggage and motioned them to the parking lot. Welcome home, Han Sungmin

3 days later,

“Sungmin! There’s somebody looking for you!” His grandmother was calling her. Her grandparents were about to go out for their salsa practice. Sungmin also wanted to head to training centre with Shindong. Since she arrived to Korea, she hadn’t met her two best friends yet.

She went down to see her visitor. She never expected her other friends to come. After all, only Shindong and Seulgi knew that she’s back. She planned to meet her other friends later. She still had enough time to see them later. Just as she was running down the stairs, she noticed the back of the tall boy with golden blond hair. OMG! Not him!

As soon as her grandparents aware of her presence, the boy turned his back too, facing her. The boy smile, more like smirked to her. Her heart beat erratically, making her a bit fuzzy with it. She blushed hard unable to hide her red tomato face anywhere.

“Sungmin, we are going now. Take care of your friend. Send regards to Donghee and Seulgi when you saw them” her grandmother winked at her quickly pulled her grandfather to the door

“Only if she goes and sees them” her grandfather let a grunt and followed her wife behind. They left the children standing awkwardly facing to each other. Sungmin stood there, not sure whether to ask the boy to sit or not.

“Why are you here?” she spoke. Eyes refused to see his beautiful gaze.

“I think you left something back in Penang, so I thought I come here to bring it back to you” Sungmin looked at him with questionable eye. She squinted with her confused manner.

“I didn’t leave anything at the school. I’m sure I emptied my locker on the last day of school” Sungmin spoke, looking more confused trying to remember anything that she missed.

“Of course, you did! You left me there.” He smirked. Slowly, he came nearer the girl, sliding his long arms around girl’s waist and hugged her. He planted chaste kiss to the small pouty lip, causing the owner of lip shocked. She widened her eyes and her breath hitched on the sudden move. And if Kyuhyun was not holding her, the latter would surely collapse on the floor. The boy chuckled on her reaction and saw her blushing face. And that small pouty lip... Gosh, I really wanna taste that lip.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you. I shouldn’t say those harsh words. I’m crazy over you. Knowing that you’re leaving, make me sad and angry. I’m wrong. I’m sorry” He looked deep into her eyes causing her heart to melt. Sungmin just stared at his features.

“I know you missed me. See! How miserable and messy you are today.” He touched her bangs and fixed it. He then winked at the girl who clearly still hasn’t recovered from her shock.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me back now?” Kyuhyun smirked on her confused soon-to-be-girlfriend and pinched her confused cheek.

“Kyu...” Sungmin hugged him tight, punched his chest hard for making her life miserable lately. She landed her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat, that beat for her and encasing herself to him. She missed his gentle touch and his warmth soothed her. No words can describe her feeling now. She was blessed, blissful with his appearance and thankful on his perseverance. She held him tight as if never going to leave him anymore.

“I really hate you. You make my life miserable” She continued to cry in his embrace.

“I know. I’m sorry. But you hurt me first. You and Siwon. And you left me alone in Penang”

“I’m sorry,Kyu. I will never leave you again” She cried on his embrace, wetting the boy’s Versace shirt. The boy mellowed with the girl’s confession, not minding if the girl dirtied his expensive shirt. He pulled out the girl from his embrace and wiped her tears. He smile at the girl, looking lovingly at her

“Does this mean, I’m your boyfriend now?” Sungmin blushed, her wide, doe eye smile was adorable. She nodded her head and mumbled to herself.

“But I can’t hear you” Kyuhyun grinned, he bend down, placing his ear nearer to her mouth.

“I said, I love you, my Cho Kyuhyun” satisfied with the answer, Kyuhyun grinned, pulling her nearer to him, his lips touched hers, making both of them frenzied with the sudden touch, enjoying their moment like no others.

From: Umma Leeteuk

To: Diva Heechul

Mission accomplished. The fox had successfully caught the bunny. And now, the watchful raccoon was guarding, so that the fox won’t bite the bunny...

A/N: Yeay!!!! Finally, the last chapter!!! I started this fic a year ago... I wanted to stop writing because of my busy schedule but thanks to my niece eliluvzeu I manage to finish this ..... Thanks Eli <3

Also many thanks to others... I'm sorry I didn't mention... I really appreciate ^^
iris1616angelrielle black_love520

Cr: to the owner's gif

sungmin, romance, kyumin, kyuhyun, siwon

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