Chapter 13: This is not my place

Feb 13, 2012 00:57

“Ryeowookie” She turned to the voice calling her and smile. She waited for the girl to come towards her. Eunhyuk finally standing in front of Ryeowook, panting out of breath. She just finished her gym class and noticed Sungmin was not with her friend.

“Where’s Sungmin?”

They settled at their usual sitting in the canteen opening their own food. Both were having bento as their lunch. However, Ryeowook’s food was more appetising than Eunhyuk. She gulped her saliva while looking at her friend’s food. Realising her friend’s wish, Ryeowook offered some of her food to Eunhyuk, earning a gummy grin from the girl.

“It’s been 2 days Sungmin’s been absent to school. I called her mom, and she told me that she’s having flu. I didn’t manage to talk to her yesterday though”

“I think I want to visit her this evening, after school. Are you coming? Hopefully she’s okay now” Eunhyuk looked at Ryeowook, hoping that her friend would agree.

“No, I promised my mother to follow her for a charity event today. But I’ll visit her later after the event. By the way, do you know there’s a new handsome, perfect-like-Roman God student in my class. His name is Choi Siwon. He is so perrrrfeect!!” Ryeowook squealed, earning a disgust look from Eunhyuk.

“Yup, I know. I saw him talking to Sungmin that day. They are quite close to each other. I think she had a history with that guy” Eunhyuk spoke. She kept her voice low not wanting other people to listen on what she was saying.

Ryeowook widened her eyes, “What???!! I thought Sungmin didn’t know him! She acted like she doesn’t know him. Aish! This girl!!” she let out her frustration. She pouted her lips before she let a sigh.

“I saw Sungmin was crying after talking to the guy. Remember, the day she skipped her lunch with us few days ago? I’m worried of her. Do you think he is the reason why Sungmin is sick?” Eunhyuk let her worried face. Ryeowook’s face change, she quickly took out her phone,

“I’m cancelling my plan with my mother. Let’s go and meet Sungmin today” She spoke to her mother and smiled after that. She winked to Eunhyuk and decided to visit Sungmin later. She can’t wait for this latest gossip.....


Kyuhyun stood in front of Sungmin’s house. For the second time, he skipped his class. This is all because of her. He was worried actually. She didn’t reply to his dozen of messages since last time he talked to her. And he was told that she was on medical leave for flu. He was worried that her anemia came back. He just wanted to make sure that she’s okay. He just can call her house or Kibum but he was too busy with his archery practice.

“Annyeonghaesayo, Mrs Han. I come to bring Sungmin’s homework”

“Hi, Kyuhyun. Come in, Sungmin is still sleeping in her room. Let me see whether she’s ready or not” Heechul opened the door and greeted Kyuhyun. Her sweet angelic smile reminded him of Sungmin. She was beautiful, but he thought Sungmin is cuter than her mother. Kyuhyun smile and bowed to Heechul before following her to Sungmin’s room.

He waited outside before coming in to Sungmin’s room. This is the first time he entered a girl’s room except for her sister’s room, he was nervous. As soon as he entered, he was not surprised to see her room filled with pinkish things as he knew it’s her favourite colour. He then turned to the centre of the room where he could see Sungmin sleeping on her bed. He curved a smile, watching Sungmin’s sleeping made him skipped a beat. She was so cute even when sleeping.

Heechul approached her only daughter,  pecked a kiss and slowly shook her body,

“My dear, get up. Kyuhyun is here” Sungmin immediately woke up when she heard Kyuhyun’s name. Her widened yet confused eyes gained a chuckled from both who saw that. Heechul spoke again to her daughter,

“Sungmin love, Kyuhyun is here” Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, amused with her reaction. She immediately sat up, leaning to the headboard , still sleepy.

Heechul smile because of her cute little daughter’s action, “I will leave the both of you first. Sungmin, I cooked the porridge to you and you need your medication in 2 hours time” Sungmin nodded her head and watched her mother went out from her room. Kyuhyun took a chair and sat beside her bed.

“How are you? I’m surprised when you didn’t come to school. Just wanna check on you” Kyuhyun took something from his backpack. He handed a pink angry bird shaped lollipop together with his notebooks to her. Sungmin just stared, still trying to keep awake. However later, she took the things from Kyuhyun and mouthed thank you to Kyuhyun.

“I’m sorry I make you worry. I’ve been sick and sleeping the whole time. The medication makes me dizzy and sleepy. Sorry” Sungmin’s voice was different. It was coarser than her usual cute, soft voice. She coughed after she spoke. Kyuhyun took a glass of water and handed to Sungmin. She sipped the water and the cough immediately stopped.

“Don’t talk. It’ll worsen your condition. Just take a rest. I’ll just wait here until you sleep” Kyuhyun motioned Sungmin to sleep and pulled the blanket. Sungmin obeyed, lying to bed and eyes threatening to close.

“I’m sorry I can’t talk to you. Thank you Kyu...” Sungmin spoke softly and later her eyes closed. She slept immediately after that. Kyuhyun stayed for awhile, staring at her beautiful sleeping face. He then stood up and took his backpack, ready to go back. Just about when he was headed to the door, Heechul appeared in front of him.

“Oh, are you going back?” Kyuhyun nodded. “Neh, Mrs Han. I have archery practice this evening” He saw a handsome boy behind Heechul. He glared at the boy, however the boy just smile. Kyuhyun smirked back and nodded.

“Hi, Kyuhyun. I didn’t see you just now during Maths class. I’m surprised that you are here” Kyuhyun just winked.

“Sungmin is sleeping. She’s too tired and sick to talk” Siwon just ignored and went to Sungmin’s side. He approached her and planted a kiss at her temple. Sungmin opened her eyes and startled when she saw Siwon. She sat up and jerked away from him. Siwon immediately grabbed her hand to planted another kiss at the back of her hand,

“Baby, are you okay? I heard from your daddy that you’re not feeling well.” Sungmin kept quiet. She was not comfortable with Siwon’s act. She looked at her mommy and gave a meaningful look. Her mom, aware of the situation quickly came to her side.

“Siwon dear, I think it’s better to leave Sungmin rest. She still need to take her medication later. I want her to rest before her next medication. Come, let’s go out” Heechul took Siwon and dragged him outside the room. She left the room, winked to Kyuhyun with a naughty smirk. Kyuhyun came and sat beside Sungmin. She was blushed, still confused with what that just happened. Kyuhyun pinched her cheek, causing the latter blushed more. Seeing her cute face, he chuckled,

“Go back to sleep. I’ll guard you from evil force” She slapped his hand and giggled seeing Kyuhyun’s attic.

“I’m not sleepy anymore” she immediately got up from her bed and sat in front of the mirror to comb and tide her hair. Kyuhyun’s heart went hip hopping, seeing Sungmin playing and lifted her hair. She was so beautiful when she lifted her hair revealing her white silky bare neck. Oblivious, she turned around, looked at Kyuhyun,

“Kyuhyun?” He immediately snapped into the reality. He was taken aback when he realised Sungmin stood in front of him, waving to his face. He hid his embarrass face and ran out from her room. He was on the way going out he was called by Heechul,

“Kyuhyunnie, come and have lunch with us” Heechul came to him, dragging him to the dining table. He just followed suit as he knew, he won’t win against Sungmin’s mommy. Siwon was already there sitting on the table, waiting for the other to sit. Kyuhyun sat opposite him, both of them stared to each other, having stare competition silently after Heechul left to the kitchen. Moments later, Sungmin came down with her new fresh clothes, pale but widely awake.

Siwon immediately stood after saw her. He hugged her and held her hand leading to the dining table, to sit beside him. Kyuhyun glared to the scene making Sungmin become more uncomfortable. Soon, after that, Heechul appeared with her helper and dishes. After it was all ready, they gathered and started to eat. At first, it was awkward when everybody was eating silently. However, Heechul managed to release the tension in the air with her lame jokes. However, Kyuhyun still felt ill at ease being there. Siwon’s attention to Sungmin irritated him. He felt like punching that beautiful face and pushed him over the cliff. Nevertheless, he kept his poker face until the end of the lunch, hiding his true feeling, not wanting to create any scene.

Sungmin felt better after adequate rest. Both of the boys already went back after lunch. The lunch was really awkward. She was mad with Siwon’s manners. She already warned him not to treat her like that anymore, but being the gentleman Siwon, he still acted like that. However, the attention that he gave made her become more uncomfortable. She noticed Kyuhyun’s glare and he saw his angry look. She didn’t want him to misunderstood Siwon’s actions and their relationship. She saw his hurtful eyes but he acted as if nothing happened. She wondered what was in his mind. Have he gave up on her?

She sat at her study table and saw Kyuhyun’s notebooks with the angry bird lollipop. She curved a smile. She was thankful that Kyuhyun brought his notebook to her. She understood his notes better than Wookies’s. And she was happy that he brought her favourite lollipop. As if, he can read her mind; she really craved for that particular lollipop for so long, since she had been sick. She took her phone and messaged thank you to Kyuhyun. She grabbed the notebooks and was reading the notes when her door flung open and saw her best friends ran to her.

“Sungmin!!!” Eunhyuk and Ryeowook hugged her tightly. She almost died due to suffocation because of the hug. When they realised that, they released it and squealed. Sungmin smirked and poked her friends to keep quiet. After both of them calmer, they sat on the bed while Sungmin lied on the bed. They chatted all evening from the latest gossips, their classmates and lastly about the new hunk, Choi Siwon. As soon as Choi Siwon’s name was brought into attention, Sungmin’s face changed. Her other friends who noticed that, smiled and poked her, “Sungmin, who’s that guy to you? Are you guys close?”

Sungmin sighed. She really wanted to avoid the question. However, she knew she can’t hide this from her two best friends. Eventually, both of them will know. The fact that she had been hiding Kyuhyun’s confession from them already made her suffocate. She let another sighed, knowing that her friends would continuously bugged her about Choi Siwon.

“Choi Siwon is my ex-boyfriend back in Korea” Her answer makes both of them gasped. Ryeowook closed her mouth, surprised with the revelation,

“You... such a brat. Tell me everything about Choi Siwon or else I won’t let you go even I die” Both of them forced her to sit and with huge sigh, Sungmin begun her story about her past.

A/N: yeay!!! update^^ I'm so happy today, i almost finish with this fic.. i only need to add with some para to make it more sensible...
So proud of myself... 2 more chapters to go:) please anticipate it:p

Thanks for you kind support..

sungmin, kyumin, kyuhyun, fluff

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