New Life

Dec 14, 2011 15:49

Title: New Life (one shot)
Pairing: YeMin (girl! min)
Genre: Fluff, romance
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I only own the story but not them (:
Warning : A lot of medical jargon. Feel free to ask if you can't understand
Summary: Yesung, the most successful neurosurgeon in Korea. His perfectionist attitude sometimes sent shivers to his junior trainee. His life change after he had to be assigned to safe the life of a pregnant lady with Stockholm Syndrome.

“Aish!!” He slammed his coffee cup on the table. Luckily, the coffee did not spill out. He stood at the edge of the table while holding his forehead. He just finished emergency craniotomy half an hour ago and his head was immensely throbbing. Taking his routine morning coffee seems not working anymore. He took out his Ipod and placed the headphone. He lied on the sofa and closed his eyes. He barely sleep, he had been in the OT for almost 10 hours last night incessantly. Just when he was about to sleep, he was informed that one of his patient developed post operative complication. By the time he’d done, it’s already time for him to his daily routine ward round.

emergency craniotomy: an emergency procedure to remove a lesion in the brain through an opening in the skull
ward round: doctor or nurse's visit to all the patients that are in the section (ward) of the hospital that he/she is responsible for.

Yesung was sleeping when Siwon entered doctor’s lounge. Siwon smirk, he figured that Yesung probably had bad call last night. He didn’t dare to disturb the older cause he knew that he’d asking for death sentence if he disturbed him. He quietly put his bag in his locker and preparing for his ward round.

“Dang!!” the sound of piles of books dropped, causing Yesung to wake up. He squinted to look at Siwon’s direction. He frowned making the latter became anxious.

“I’m sorry, hyung. I didn’t mean to wake you up. I’ll be making my way to ward for rounds now.” Siwon bowed, quickly picked up the books and ran to the door.

Yesung blinked. He quickly stood up and ahead to the sink to wash his face. He’s already late for the rounds and also had to prepare for today’s operation schedule. He grabbed the towel beside the sink and quickly fixed his bangs before headed to the 2 Topaz ward for his round.

“Paging Dr Kim Yesung, Dr Kim Yesung! Please be in the A&E immediately!” Yesung stopped his pace. At the same time, he felt his handphone vibrated, he took out his handphone and could hear urgency voice from the other end.

“Dr Kim, we’re having one patient here in the A&E red zone.  She just had an MVA, and loss conscious. Her GCS is only 6/15 when she arrived. She’s already intubated”

“Gesh, just do a CT brain for her.”

“The thing is she’s pregnant”

A&E: Accident & Emergency
MVA: motor vehicle accident
GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale:A scale for measuring level of consciousness in head injury
CT brain: Computered Tomography: a mode of imaging to look any lesion in brain


“Dr Kim, we need neurosurgical assessment before proceed with CT scan. We need a neurosurgeon signature before proceed.”

“How about her family?” Yesung asked the medical officer in charge. His glare sent chills to the younger doctor. Nobody dares to mess up with him. He’s known for his malicious behaviour and very strict surgeon. Some of the junior doctor called him Voldemort. It is said that his stares could sent people to hell. He didn’t mind any of the comment, his priority is to produce excellent outcome and being sloppy is not acceptable.

“She didn’t have any identification. The man who was with her was brought to emergency OT for intrabdominal injury”

OT: operation theater

Yesung looked intently at the figure whose was currently ventilated. Her calm face intrigued him. Despite fighting for her life and her unborn child, there’s a qualm serenity reflected on her face. Yesung stare her for a while before his junior approached him.

“Hyung, we have to proceed now. Her vitals show signs of Cushing reflex. I already informed the obstetric team and they will go with us. So far, the baby’s vital is still good. Paeds team will standby for any necessary measures” Siwon approached him with consent letter.

Cushing reflex :

“Come, proceed with CT scan and push all the elective case to evening. We’ll do this one first” Yesung turned to Siwon and went out from the room. Meanwhile, the nurses and respective doctor were busy pushing the patient to the CT scan room.

Yesung just finished his last schedules of the day. It’s been already 8 hours non- stop.  After he did craniotomy and evacuation to the pregnant lady, he continued with his elective schedule. Luckily, all the elective cases were simple case to handle. He left the last case for Siwon to handle. He trusted Siwon wouldn’t have any problem on the last case. After all, Siwon was like him. Perfectionist and careful. He lied on the couch to rest. Suddenly, he remembered about the pregnant lady. He wondered what happen to her since the operation. He walked to the intensive care unit only to see Kim Kibum, a junior neurosurgical trainee was reviewing her.

“Oh, hyung-nim. I just finished reviewed her. I think she’s doing OK. Eventhough, the vitals are stable, but no signs of her waking up yet. By the way hyung-nim, did you know she was with the most wanted criminal, Cho Kyuhyun when she met the accident? That guy died in the OT just now due massive bleeding.”

Yesung nodded his head. He looked at the girl that he just saved. She was very beautiful eventhough she was attached with wires and tubes. Her full, luscious lip melted him, inviting him to explore. Who is she? Why was she with the most notorious criminal in Korea? Her innocent face just make him couldn’t believe it. Slowly he approached her, touching her cheek till his fingers stopped at her full lips. The sound of cardiac monitoring beeping suddenly made him stopped, and then he noticed that her heart beat was fast with 190 beats per minute. He quickly pressed code blue and immediately the nurses rushed to him.

“Nurse, give me defibrillator! Set at 300J. Now!!” Yesung shouted. He had to save this girl no matter what. Please miss, don’t die!


“Hyung, our patient in bed 4 has awake. So, far she has no neurological deficit” Siwon approached his dear registrar with smiling face. His mood brighten up because of Jane Doe. She had overcome massive trauma and miraculously survived after hours of operation and from an episode of asystole, and waking up. She was very lucky, not many people could overcome what she had. She had overcome all the obstacles and the team was happy with the achievement. She’s the Miracle Girl, and her baby was name Precious by the obstetric team.

Asystole: abscence of heartbeat

Yesung was happy with the achievement. More lists of his successful story. Now, he can boost to other people about this miraculous story to everyone. Many would be envious of his achievement. He smiled and proceeded to 2 Topaz ward. He was eager to see her Miracle Girl. It’s been weeks he had seen the girl. He wanted to see the girl himself and talked to her. He wanted to know her. He hoped for more actually, quietly wished that the girl will shared her stories and smile or laugh with him. He had imagined the girl would smile to him and her bright eyes will only for him.

As he approached bed 4, he can heard a loud cry. All the nurses was trying to calm a weeping girl on the bed. She was in pain. Trying to break free from all the people surrounding her.

“Kyu..!!! Kyu...!!!” the Miracle Girl weeps. She stopped struggling and covered her face. She was mumbling words that only she could understand. Seeing her struggling, Yesung quickly order one of the nurses to prepare medication shot to relax her. She continues to cry until she sleeps with the tears still.

“She was looking for her husband when she awake. She kept crying with her husband’s name as soon as she awake. When I told that her husband is not here, she was trying to break free to go out from the ward” The head staff nurse was trying to explain to Yesung.

Yesung just kept quiet and look at her medical folder. He slammed the folder and sighed. Even with good physical recovery, he think probably that she's now having post traumatic syndrome as well. He looked at Siwon and motioned the younger man to come forward.

“I need you to call your friend at Psychiatry Unit and ask them to come review our patient. Ask them to assess her for any possibility to initiate antianxiolytic drug. And make sure they send their counsellor for counselling too. Make sure they see her tonight. And I want them to make a report by today.” Siwon nodded his head while making few notes to his small book.

“What the hell you’re still here? Go and make the call now! Faster!” Yesung purposely stressed his word. Siwon, hearing the tone, quickyly ran to counter and begin calling them.

Yesung looked at the pale, lethargy looking face. He felt pity to the small figure in front him. She had a lot of things happened around her for the past 3 weeks. And yet, she managed to overcome it. The biggest obstacle has yet to come. He just hope that she can handle all the problem. He stares at the small face and her eyes fixed to the trace of tears at her cheeks. He was about the wiped it when he heard small cough outside the room.

“I’m sorry, Dr Kim. My name is Inspector Kim Youngwoon. I need to see your patient for further investigation”

Yesung looked at the tall, well built with naughty smile in front him. That man was looking at his patient and was very serious.

“I’m sorry, Inspector. She just suddenly become aggressive and we had to give her medication to relax her. I’m afraid she was not able to be questioned now.” Yesung answered. He nodded his head and started to go out until the other man called.

“Dr Kim, if you kind enough, can you tell me when is she able to talk?” the tall guy was very determine to see his patient.

“I’m sorry. I can’t tell. Right now, her mental status is still not stable. I already ask my junior to talk to our psychiatrist and to assess her. My colleague might be able to tell once she saw her later.” He smile and stare at his patient.

“I believe that she was previously was kidnapped by Cho Kyuhyun and had been his hostage since then. What I can’t understand now is why Sungmin considered him as her husband and her guardian, she seems to be very attached to him” Youngwoon continue talking while looking at the cute girl.

“She was 15 when she was kidnapped. Her family already gave up when they found out that the kidnapper was killed before manage to tell them about her wherebout. It turn out that Cho Kyuhyun took her with him when he fleeted to Japan few years ago.”

Yesung sighed. Her name is Sungmin and she did have a family. Yesung thought to himself.She was separated from her family and had to live with her kidnapper and now had a child with him. That man took her youth and took her away from her family and ruined her. He took away the girl happiness and made her suffer. Suddenly, he felt twitch in his heart, he felt the urge to protect the girl. Yesung gripped his hands tightly and frowned. Secretly, he felt thankful that Cho Kyuhyun guy died. Yes, his Sungmin. He vowed to himself that he will protect the girl with his life.

Yesung looked to Inspector Kim and smirked,

“That’s easy. Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome?” Kim Youngwoon looked blankly to Yesung, confused with Yesung’s sudden question.

“Well, it’s a phenomenon.....” Suddenly, the door opened and a middle aged woman rushed to petite girl. She was crying aloud while hugging her. Yesung become stunted, then he approached the lady taking her to nearby chair.

“I’m sorry ahjumma. I think she needs rest. She still in shocked.” Yesung tried to console the crying lady. He looked closely to the lady. She has the small figure like Sungmin. Her big, kind eyes were glittering with tears, However, she still looked beautiful and composed. Yesung patted her back trying to calm her. Not long after that, 2 men entered the room. An older, smaller guy with small eyes and fair skin approached the lady hugged him. The younger man was crying when he saw Sungmin sleeping. He punched the wall and leaned his forehead to the wall. A nurse rushed into the room after hearing loud thump and took an immediate aid to the younger man.

“I’m sorry, sir. My name is Lee Soo Man and this is my wife, Kim Tae Hee and my son, Lee Hyukjae. We’re her family” The older man bowed. Yesung and Youngwoon quickly bowed back.

“Thank you sir. You brought her back to us.” He kept bowing his head and said how grateful his family to both of them. Both of them bowed, headed to the door giving personal time to the family to have their gathering. Before he goes out, Yesung glanced back at the family and saw how happy the parents to see their daughter back. Damn you, Cho Kyuhyun. I’m hope you’ll rotten in hell now!


“Good morning, Sungmin. How are you today? How’s your day today?” Yesung smile to the latter girl and handed her a drawing pad. Sungmin looked blankly to him.

“I thought you might need something to fill your past time. I saw your small scribbles on tissue paper and I guess you must be good in drawing. Use that to express yourself” Yesung saw glowing of happiness in her eyes and he smile. He love to see Sungmin’s cute face and his heart skipped a beat.

“I’ll let you go out from this ward with the nurse accompanying you. You can stay near the fountain and draw”
Sungmin just kept quiet. Since she was awake, she rarely talked to other people. Her family become strangers to her. Her session with counsellor still have not much improvement. Even, she refused to talk to Inspector Kim about Cho Kyuhyun. She became quieter after she find out that Kyuhyun died in the accident. Sometimes, he saw the girl silently cry and weep. When she was someone accompany her, she won’t talk. She turned herself into statue and won’t answer to questions.

Yesung continued his writing and headed his way to the door. He didn’t expect she will talk today. Everyday, during rounds, he will try to make Sungmin talk, but he failed. She didn’t even laugh on his weird jokes. However, he didn’t give up. He wanted to make sure she felt his warmness and his love. He hoped that he’ll help her to forget her pain. He hope this will bring her smile to the world and her laughter back.


Yesung stopped and turned back to Sungmin. This is the first time he heard her soft voice. Not a crying voice or weeping voice. Her smooth, soft and melodious voice. He looked directly to her eyes and they met. He felt his heartbeat race fast. He could see her soft cheek slowly turned pinkish even when she tried to hide it.

“C..can I go and see my daughter first?”

She looked at Yesung and her big, fish-like eyes. How could he resist those big beautiful eyes?

He smile and nodded his head. And at that moment, he swore, he could see the most beautiful smile in the world. His breath stopped for a moment and he forgot how to breathe after seeing that. He quickly recovered himself and turned to continue his work. He could hear Sungmin was humming some pop song as he headed out. He smile and chuckled to himself.


He had just finished his elective cases for that day. Everybody in OT was happy when schedule finished earlier than usual. During operation, his team had been teasing him for becoming more mellow and nicer to new junior trainees nowadays. They also noticed Yesung smile more, rarely yell or curse to the trainee anymore. He himself never realised that. He just shrugged his shoulder and sent glares to his team only to get amused remarks from them.

He quickly went to changing room and change to his normal attire and heading to his ward. After been in the OT for hours, he missed her. He headed to the counter and peeked at Sungmin’s room. He didn’t see her in the room. He continued his round as usual. After failed seeing her in the ward, Yesung decided to go to Japanese garden, near the ward. He stopped and noticed a petite girl was drawing. She was humming and happily drawing besides the fountain. Yesung immediately recognised her big pink drawing pad. He quickly approached the small girl and sat beside her.

“Who is that?” Yesung peeked at her drawing. He can see she was drawing a young handsome man with smile on his face. He immediately know that she was drawing Kyuhyun. Sungmin keep drawing without answering. Yesung keep looking at her drawing and rested his head to his knee.

“You know, he was not bad as what people said. He helped me a lot when I was kidnapped by his father. He helped me to run away and brought me to Japan. I felt in love with him because of his kindness” Sungmin broke the silence. She continued to draw while talking. Her face was smiling and happy when she talked about him. Jealousy encircling Yesung’s heart. He just sat there and listened.

“How’s your daughter? She must be getting bigger now, the last time I saw her, she was only 1.6kg” Yesung tried to change the topic. He couldn’t bear to hear Sungmin been complimenting Kyuhyun. He made her suffer. Whatever she believed, he was still guilty, taking her youth and made her suffer. Sungmin, being blinded with her dependence to her kidnapper, thought what she felt was love. Yesung knew that she was wrong. Her love to kyuhyun was only a confusion.

“She is doing well. I named her Minhyun. She has Kyu’s eyes and nose. She smiles a lot just like Kyu. I hope she didn’t take Kyu’s personality much as I’m going to have headache later just to bear with her altitude.” She turned and smile, showing off her big glowing eyes to Yesung. Seeing those beautiful smile, Yesung lost his senses. He felt the urge of crashing his lip towards her pouty lip. Yesung quickly turned his eyes to the drawing and took the pad from her.

“What you are experiencing is not real. It’s Stockholm syndrome. Your feeling is not real” Sungmin chuckled. She frowned and grabbed the drawing and hug it. She bowed her head and close her ears. She is still in denial. Yesung pulled her closer and hugged. Their eyes met. Yesung’s eyes drawn to her lip and brought himself to her. He place his lip to her soft lip and taste it. At the moment, Yesung felt pain in his chest.

“Let me love and protect you. I will take care of you and bring back your life” Yesung spoke after his brief kiss. Sungmin looked blankly at Yesung and unable to speak a word.

“Sungmin, let’s go. It’s time for your medication. After that, umma wants to see Minhyun.” Sungmin’s mother suddenly appeared in front of them. Yesung took his hands off from Sungmin and smile to her mother.

“I’m sorry Mrs Lee. I need to go back too. See you later. Please send my regards to Mr Lee.” Yesung stood up and bowed to Mrs Lee. She approached to Yesung and gave a hug.

“Thank you for everything, Dr Kim. I will pray for you too.” She looked at Yesung meaningful. Yesung just smile, unable to comprehend her words. They turned and walked away from him. He just stayed there before headed to his room.


Few months later

“Yesung oppa!” she smile seeing him walking to the park. She ran toward him and clings to his hand. Yesung just smile and ruffled her hair. She pouts making her weird face to Yesung signs him that she was not happy messing with her hair. Yesung just laugh and pinched her nose. Sungmin become more irritated and showed her tongue to him. She moved her hands from Yesung and ran to her sketch pad, continue her work.

Yesung smile and sat beside her. She showed her drawing to Yesung. This time, the guy that she was drawing had deep stare and dressed with operation gown. His surgical cap had a turtle face at the corner. Yesung laughed after he saw Sungmin’s drawing. He never thought that Sungmin would draw him. Seeing Yesung’s reaction, Sungmin pouted.

“Yesung oppa, I think I’m willing to give this guy a chance. I will try to make him happy because this guy, showered me with happiness” Sungmin spoke. She was trying to hide her face. Yesung finally realised the meaning of Sungmin’s word. Suddenly, he hugged the girl, tears flowing. Let’s make a new life together.....

Stockholm Syndrome:

Post traumatic syndrome: (PTSD) an anxiety disorder caused by an intensely traumatic event,characterized by mentally reexperiencing the trauma, avoidance of trauma-associated stimuli, numbing of emotional responsiveness, and
hyperalertness and difficulty in sleeping, remembering, or concentrating

A/N : I'm trying my best to explain some medical terms (highlighted in red). Since I didn't know how's the system, I applied my country's hospital system. Feel free to ask ^_^

my new buddy ^^: ohmygeng , YeMin shipper

credit :eliluvzeu for her story. I got this idea when I was reading her fic~Unpredictable Romance

sungmin, yesung, yemin

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