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Feb 11, 2009 15:32

Some bad news u_u

Buttface passed away yesterday. The humidity in my tank took a dip and he suffocated ;~; The other crabs are fine. It was terrible though because I woke up and noticed the humidity was down and that he was out of his shell but still active so I misted and refreshed their water and covered it up so no humidity could escape and also covered it with a flannel so that it would be dark and he wouldn't be scared to be naked (make him feel like he's underground and safe) so that hopefully he would crawl back into his shell and stop being stressed out. When I got home from school, he still wasn't in a shell and wasn't moving so I was like u_u guess I'll get the baggy (you can't flush them so I seal them in plastic baggies and toss them, I don't feel too bad about this (it seems barbaric) because if you think about it, they ARE scavengers and would LOVE living in a pile of old food and refuse xD). So I got the baggy and lifted off the lid and was all prepared to scoop him up when I noticed his antennae and claws were moving since he'd noticed me and he tried to crawl a bit, so I recovered everything. Then I took a 4hr nap. When I woke up he was on his back and not moving so I lifted the lid and prepared the baggy again but then he was WIGGLING HIS BUTT AT ME. So I recovered the whole thing and went to class and when I came back he was finally dead so I took care of him before he could stink up the tank. Jeez, if you're going to die just die already ;~; stop jerking me around. In death, as in life, he was a total jerk to me ;~;

Wev, Buttface, see you in heaven.

In other news, I'm totally skipping Jr. Year Writing right now. That class is so shitty. I did the homework (most of it lol) though and turned it in (online). I still haven't done the paper that was due Monday. I hate that class so bad. I have no motivation for it at all and it drives me nuts. Also I hate the teacher (when she's a teacher, she's a great person, just horrible at teaching).

School is going good this year. No stressful poli-sci classes. No honors shit. Just awesomeness except for Jr. Year Writing, which I have to take to graduate. The only class that stresses me out a bit is translations (Problems and Methods of Translation) because it's once a week for three hours, so the night before is like this mad stressful rush to get shit done xD I need to work on doing shit earlier. I've been pretty good at getting the reading done a few days before, but then I leave all the homework for last minute.

Classical Chinese is going GREAT. I love Schneider, the teacher xD He has like this following of students lol. He's just so awesome without trying. He really makes his class challenging without being overwhelming. I'm so tired of classes that just overwhelm me. I think he thinks I think his class is easy because I understand everything and shit lol xD What he doesn't realize is that I understand everything so well because I prepare for 2-3 hours a night for his class xD

Same for Classical Japanese. Omg that shit is so hott. I get so excited in class. I'm so glad Forrest is teaching it this semester and that the class is a lot smaller because he makes everything a lot easier to understand and is one of the foremost experts on Classical Japanese in the country (he's one of the few people who are actually qualified to teach Manuscript Japanese, which is where you learn how to read the old-time scribbly Japanese that even modern Japanese people can't read). I'm really excited to be studying under him. Miller, who taught it last year, is also really good, but he doesn't have as good a grasp on the material as Forrest, who can, from memory, trace back the history of most grammatical forms, which is helpful in classical because there's non one set way to write shit so pieces from different eras have ever so slightly different forms and it can be hard to recognize without a guide.

In other words, SCHOOL IS AWESOME.

Also I ended up working all weekend again BLAAKSJDHFAS. No one else will fucking work it (Jason and I share all the Friday/Saturday shifts) so we never have days off and Tammy's too nice to make people do it.

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