May 27, 2011 08:54
Yeah, I wouldn't know how to react either.
I've picked up two more publications as freelancing clients: the Native American Times and the Oklahoma Native Times. Both owned by the same person (go figure), the former's a weekly newspaper and the latter's a monthly magazine. Although it's still not a full-time job, having another source of income definitely helps, especially one that, with a predominantly Native audience, is more likely to at least listen to my story pitches.
Wound up doing another round of the couch to 5k program Jake and I joined back in February. Because I'm a bum and didn't want to run in the heat, decided to join the faster walking pace group instead of one of the running groups, which means I'm in a pace group of two. Four if you count the coaches. Although it means I can't listen to my iPod while working out, it also means I'm getting in a better workout, as smaller groups travel more quickly. At one of this week's sessions, the other group member couldn't make it, so the coaches and I walked up and down a parking garage for two miles at an average pace of 11:34/mile. With the other member present on Wednesday, we did a 15 minute/mile average. Considering we're supposed to be doing a 15-minute mile by the time we finish in late July, I'll definitely take that. And because I'm crazy, I've got two -- yes, TWO, 5k races this Memorial Day weekend, with one tomorrow morning with the Tulsa Indian Club and one Monday morning in my old neighborhood.
Uh...other stuff...
- The child's still wretchedly adorable. She's also walking now, which means I spend a fair chunk of my days trying to keep her from pulling over trash cans or chasing members of the herd.
- Significant weight loss because of the whole walking bit, which is good. Still carrying seven lbs. of baby weight, but have lost several inches, to the point I'm almost able to drop down a jean size (depending on the brand). Considering I've been in the same jean size since my junior year of college, I'll take that.
- The western branch of the family lost power in Tuesday's tornadoes. Other than that, they're OK. No damage here. Wound up eating pizza with my dad and little brother while doing MST3K-style commentary on the weather coverage.
- Coming out of DJ retirement tonight for a sorority's sister's birthday party. Won't be able to do as much while working off of the laptop, but should still be high quality entertainment for the whole family.