21 today is me!
Rock Band > Guitar Hero III. It just exceeds it on pretty much every level, except for maybe a few choice tracks that I enjoy playing on GHIII, but those could easily be added in RB. My mission is to make a guitarist who looks like
Graham Coxon.
Registering for classes has been especially aggravating because my advisor is really unhelpful. Like, he didn't even bother trying to help me with what classes I should take next semester. I sent in permission for two art classes I really have to take otherwise I think I will be doing crap that I hate in the spring.
I drew a one-page comic (that was actually going to be three pages but then my tablet broke!) for a comic jams site hosted by Jon Morris, the guy who draws Little Batman. You can see it
over here (he spelled my last name wrong but people seem to do that a lot.)