An interesting set of days since he'd arrived, and a discovery of absolutely nothing useful in regards to where on Earth this city was, or how he'd come to be here, had left him somewhat drained, though strangely relaxed in his isolation. He wasn't home, and that made him uncomfortable, but then, he also didn't have to worry about being a fugitive
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"Il n'ya rien à pardonner. Vous êtes français?" [[ There is nothing to pardon. You are French? (here we go again)]]
His French sounded that of a learned European, probably would sound Eastern European in nature had he not found ways to near un-tracably surpress his original accents for a more universally neutral one. All the same, even in it's origins, it was very well-spoken and practiced, fluent French. As one with highly paid scholars and frequent use might speak it. Of course, then he also attended medical school in France, and it clearly became necessary to master the language.
However, it has been a few years since he has said more than a word or two, so the authenticity of his once nearly-perfect accent may be rusted slightly through time, misuse, and the learning of numerous other languages. If one was a master of the language, or language in general, they might notice this, and even detect faint Eastern-European inflections here or there.
"Mais oui, monsieur! Je suis français. Je viens de Paris, en fait, j'ai vécu il ya plus de ma vie." He detected nothing particularly strange about the man's accent - it was apparent that the man was not actually French, or at least grew up outside of France, for there was just a slight accent difference in certain sounds, more Germanic and Slavic-sounding than French. Not that it mattered, truly, he was simply happy to have someone in this place, who not only spoke French but was willing to speak to him. "J'ai entendu dire que personne ne sait le pays dans lequel ce lieu réside. Est-ce vrai?"
(( ooc: "Why yes, sir! I am French. I come from Paris, in fact, I've lived there most of my life."
"I've heard that no one knows in which country this place resides. Is this true?" ))
"Il est vrai. Jusqu'ici, aucun d'entre nous avons été en mesure de confirmer notre résidence actuelle. Non pas que beaucoup d'entre nous avons reçu beaucoup d'éducation à la géographie mondiale. Je suis sûr que quelques-uns d'entre nous envisagent, si nous sommes loin de la Terre que ce soit."
(( ooc: "It is true. So far, none of us have been able to confirm our current residence. Not that many of us here have received much education in global geography. I am sure a few of us are contemplating if we are nowhere near Earth whatever." ))
"C'est une honte. Beaucoup de mes collègues seront très malheureux avec moi. Mais si nous ne sommes pas sur Terre ... ils ne seront pas que je suis ici. Je suppose que c'est la même chose aussi bien pour vous, monsieur. Pourrais-je avoir votre nom? Je m'appelle François Bonnefoy."
(( ooc: "It's a shame. Many of my coworkers will be very unhappy with me. But if we are not on Earth... they will not know I am here. I suppose it is the same as well for you, sir. Might I have your name? My name is Francis Bonnefoy." ))
"I do not suspect there is anyone missing me much at all. But I am sorry for your loss, however temporary. A part of me suspects that time is frozen back home, if I am to indulge that we are in the pocket of another reality, somewhere." He will mull this over later. Good company is so rare to come by.
"Monsieur Bonnefoy. A delightful name. I am Doctor Gideon Quinn. A pleasure to meet you."
And of course Francis indulged him by also continuing in his mother tongue, a smile returning to his face. "It is quite a curious place we're in. If this is true, however, and we are in another reality... well, I suppose I won't need to worry about anyone missing me. Or paperwork, for that matter!" He gave a soft chuckle to himself, moving closer to his companion, within arm's reach instead of the good ten feet previous. Francis found himself drawn in somehow by this man's charisma, and he certainly didn't want to drop this conversation any time soon. Besides, this man had been nothing but courteous and gracious thus far.
"I would not know about it being delightful, however, I think it suits me just fine." After all, he had picked it out for himself, ages ago. Once the other had revealed his name, Francis nodded, extending his hand for the other to shake. "It is an honor, Doctor Quinn." His accent on the vowels made the last name sound more like "Queen", but as it was not an originally French surname that was to be expected.
The way Francis pronounces 'his' last name suddenly reminds him that there might be people here who, in the confines of this hotel, and rather small populace, might come to see through the alias. He hopes this does not happen.
He wouldn't want to have to kill anyone. He smiles. "Have you been offered a tour of the hotel? Or the city? I must confess I have not left the hotel more than once, and that was to find a suitable grocery store. The kitchen is surprisingly accommodating but I am afraid I have rather...refined tastes. There is always something missing, you see. But it would delight me to show you around, if no one has beat me to it."
'Beat me to it' is surely not a phrase he uses often, but he frequently throws out queer modern phrases to amuse himself.
Francis shook his head when asked if he'd been shown around town. "I'm afraid I have not, I've been spending most of my day looking around the hotel. I did run into a young woman, though, Kate. She told me all she knew about this place, which admittedly wasn't much. I'm sure she knows about as much of this place as anyone else here, however, I haven't run into anyone else, apart from Kate and yourself."
He gave a polite smile and a nod of his head to the gentleman when invited around town. "That would be lovely, thank you very much. Perhaps you could show me the kitchen while we're at it, I'm damn well not going to let those things do the cooking for me."
(( ooc: I'll be missing for the weekend, no internet access ;_; ))
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