Jan 15, 2011 07:55
First off
Sorry Reddz, I totally forgot to check Livejournal. For what it's worth... "Mayonnaise"
This weekends tournament (part 1) should be interesting. Not because of the armies in play, nor the new scoring system we'll be using, but because I'll be doing it on aprox (read: exactelly) no sleep. I'm not exactelly tired now, but I know I will be later on during the day. And after the first half of the tournament, there be Garu in the evening. It should definitelly be interesting come the end of the day to see how lucid I remain.
As for the tourment itself, I'm really looking forward to it. It's been a while since I've been able to participate in a decent tournament, and I'm doing this one on a legally painted army. Legally painted means at least three colour on the model. Though much of the army is not what I'd call finished. I call a model finished when even the little details (like drinking mugs or books) have around 3/4 colours or more on them. Most of my current dwarf army isen't anywhere near that point, but it is all table-legal.
That, and I'm looking forward to how this list plays agianst some opponents I havent played against (I hope). There's a couple players I'm hoping to avoid though. One is a kid named Stephen. I'd like to avoid him because I truly, truly hate him. The other is Reddz. I hope to avoid him as I seem to be completelly inable to beat him. Ever.
There is one kid though I never thought I'd want to face off against. His name is Nick, and he's perhaps the most annoying child I've ever met. But he's very arrogant about his current army. Specifically about a special character in the army who's a magic caster. Agaisnt my army, all casters but one in the entire game are completelly ineffectual. Dwarfen armies are by nature good against magic. Mine is spesifically designed to destroy it. So much so it's motto has become "the enemy's magic phase belongs to me"
Most of you have tuned out long ago, and I can understand. I posted this mostly because I'm bored, and don't leave for another 6 minutes to meet Reddz for breakfast before the tournament.
Tune in possibly Monday when I re-start my own side of the "Heroes of Enroth" journal. Kory started it again, and made me want to do so as well. Curse you Kory and your infectious creativity!