the world means nothing; hoyeol; g // breaking in; gyuyeol; pg-13

Jul 03, 2014 20:40

Title: the world means nothing
Rating: G
Pairing/Focus: hoya/sungyeol
Summary: howon thinks sungyeol deserves the whole world and more.
( Howon doesn’t get the light teasing Woohyun gets. He doesn’t get the witty comebacks or the playful hitting. He’d be lucky enough to even get acknowledged at this point. )

Title: breaking in
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Focus: sunggyu/sungyeol
Summary: sunggyu believes there's a burglar outside his door.
( And he does the stupidest thing ever in the history of stupid things. )

a/n; links lead to tumblr.

rating: pg-13, !fanfic, pairing: sunggyu/sungyeol, author: y, pairing: hoya/sungyeol, rating: g

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