Don't mind me, I'm just killing time until Dom's appearance on Ellen.
So let's talk about Dominic. He's been making the interview rounds lately, so I thought I'd keep some sort of record for myself of what all I've seen him on. And in doing that, I thought I'd try Photobucket's video feature out. Here's what I've got so far:
MSN Interview: 02/07/07
Photobucket cut off the last 40 seconds of this interview. *tiny fists of rage*
First Coast News Interview: 02/06/07
AOL's TV Tattler: 02/07/07
Chicago Radio Station: 02/07/07 05. There's an exclusive
Comcast Interview. Sadly, I can't watch it, since I'm not a subscriber. If anyone can snag it, I'd love to see it.
Then I found some footage from Dom and Evi's Berlin press tour in 2005 that I'd never seen before.
Eating German Food
And then finally a silly picture I stumbled across.
Ok, for reals, just one more link.
Annnd, Ellen's on! *zooms*
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