It's Dom's day, peeps. I say we honor him. *leads the parade*
dashery's 18 Favorite Dom Things:
01. Favorite Picture:
02. Favorite Picspam:
green_queen 03. Favorite Quote:
"Went to the beach for the day and wrote as much as I could about this incredible experience and where my life seemed to be taking me, etc. I fell asleep, and when I woke up the papers were blowing down the beach and into the water. I sat up and watched until I couldn't see one piece of paper left. I drove home and felt happy."
(I'm also partial to: "Life has a way of kicking you in the ass... or smearing chocolate on your bum.")
04. Favorite Doodle:
blondiusmaximus (Bonus:
Matching Billy Doodle) 05. Favorite Fanvid:
Still A Manby
feelforfaith (37MB, right-click-save)
06. Favorite Talk Show Interview:
Dom's Appearance on Kimmel - 04/29/05 (You know, the one with the Beatles shirt and the "Billy's Backstage!" Oh, yis.)
07. Favorite Manip:
(I wish I knew who made this.)
08. Favorite Song:
Shadow 09. Favorite T-Shirt:
10. Favorite Soundbyte:
I Love You from The Two Towers commentary
11. Favorite Article:
LotR Official Fanclub Interview (June 2003)
Click on the thumbnails to read the full article.
12. Favorite Dom-Centric Fic I've Written:
Midnight Blue 13. Favorite Wallpaper:
(made especially for me by
catatonic1242 *luffs*)
14. Favorite Fun YouTube Clip:
Lord of the Rings Milkshake 15. Favorite Hair:
2004 Oscars
16. Favorite Community:
domweek 17. Favorite Mate ♥:
18. Favorite Puzzle:
Happy Birthday Dom! And you guys should know by now I'm always ready to hear your favorite Dom things. Tell me, tell me, tell me.
Current Fic Rec:
Aquamarine (Because I'm such a lazy bum, I'm just linking to last year's birthday fic.)
Current Music (Video):
Billy singing "Happy Birthday" (Sadly, it's not to Dom. But one can use their imagination.)
Current Mood: