anyway.... last night :)

Jul 15, 2005 10:27

ok so life is CRAZY!
this guy, will i went out with on wednesday night, invited me over last night to watch kill bill (i'd never seen the whole thing) and cooked me freakin dinner.
we hung out for like 8 hours and no lull in coversation again.
it's so weird. i dunno... its just weird.
2nd date people and it may be soon but i think i like this kid. anyway we're going to weezer on saturday and then i'm gonna wait until sunday morning to head out to hilton head!
but we have everything in common... like everything. we got into the politcal conversation (yes i think smart conversation is so sexy) and we agree on almost everything. and hes so freaking smart about art, current events... i dunno. feeling kinda light, but its scary as all hell. nate and i haven't even been broken up a whole month and at times it stil really hurts.
i don't wanna fall for someone too quickly... or think i'm falling for someone and it just be a rebound.
*no after 2 dates i'm not falling for this kid but i dunno hes really awesome*
it's crazy good times but there is something about the guy that drives me INSANE....
hes reminds me in certain ways of JW. (some of the good qualitys thought)
1. the excate same mouth and teeth
2. the way he says "WHAT?" (kinda like lil john-lite haha)
3. and the way we just pop along in coversation and laughing in the 1st few dates.

but the mouth and what thing freaks me out.

so yeah i rolled in home last night around 4am! damn.

tonight is atlanta with laura and her girls.
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