Okay i am VERY excited right now. I just found out that one of my icons won its category over at
hp_awards! It's really exciting as i only just started posting my icons as well! Thankyou so much to
lyricalley for nominating me in the first place! It was session 50...
*beams and points to Sunshine, Daisies* Aside from that, nothing very exciting has been going on. I'm getting a bit 'jittery' about my upcoming 4 assessments though, a presentation on 2 pieces of digital media work ready for thursday, and handing in of 2 typographic layouts on friday. Luckily my tutor for fridays is going to be in Bangkok, of all places, so we don't have to present, we can just leave our work on the tables and run. Which is definitely what i plan to do.
I went into uni today (on my day off!) to try to get some of that work finished; had a DISASTEROUS journey in though as we had to queue around some morons re-laying the road, and then i was turfed off the bus in the middle of nowhere with the other passengers, so we had to wait to catch another bus into town. These TWM drivers, thinking they own the joint. *Rolls eyes*