(no subject)

Nov 08, 2005 09:11


heat inflation




mmm fruit fusion

x-ray vision


poor attendance

learn to sing and dance

ripped my pants


haha i really don't know ...this is what black coffee does to me in the morning. I am such a dork...what a loser. So last night I got home at like 11 pmafter painting will's room all day, and then I had to clean the bathroom. This morning I was told I had to do more to it cuz it wasn't good enough. And i have to wash the car when I get home, and I forgot to bring in the trash cans. BUT, I have to babysit today, then paint again, then who knows what. I HAVE NO TIME. can't they see I am always stressed and busy? garrr. don't they know that sometimes I also have homework? i am in college u know gosh.

i really am pretty much a royal bitch. I don't know why, i've just been stressed too much lately and I need some stuff.
so, sorry.
ok confession, I have been worrying about the future, because that's what i've always done. i need to stop, i need to stop living in the future and live in the now. because it's silly nothing's wrong NOW and that should be the only time I'm allowed to worry...maybe. everything CAN be fine, and it WILL, if we try hard enough anything is possible. i feel a new song coming on... haha suckers.Live for today, not yesterday or tomorrow. or duran duran: i won't cry for yesterday...blah blah blah 80's music is the SHIT just live for now...and then tomorrow live for that day and so on just live for now and live one day at a time. JUST STOP IT DAMMIT. hhahaha.


so...yeah yesterday got a pretty good calf workout. I could really feel the burn. I've developed a series of calf-related exercises designed to further expand and define, if you will, the gastrocnemius, otherwise known as the calf muscle.

Studies have shown that with the aid of Lucy's Intensive Calf Workout, improvements have been made in all fields, epsecially on the field of kickball.

We conducted a series of tests with people just like you and here are some testimonies:

"i started Lucy's at home Intensive Calf Workout System 2 months ago and even in the first week i noticed a definite increase in the sheer size of my calves. I may even have to move up to a 32 C!*"

-Will SHine, recent inductee to the  Junior Calf Hall of Fame

*please note: 32 C is speaking in terms of calve warmer sizes, not bras, although I'm sure he could use one.

"After just one video, I felt the burn, and even when I was checking the chicas out down at the local day care center...well, let's just say I got more attention than usual, and not because I had my shirt open. ; D"*

-Terry Harris, pedophile and recently incarcerated

*please note: this testimony escaped through the publishers. sorry for the "nasty" nature.

"I can only hope to live up to Lucy's potential. the size and beautiful definition causes anyone to wonder, 'are they really real?', but of course they have to be, she is in the kickball hall of fame awarded best boot on a barefoot female."


"mmmmmmmmmmmm I want to eat your calves!!!!mmmmmm"

-Tim Rice wannabe calve rocker kickball star and cannibal extroadinaire

As you can see millions of people across the world and canada have tried this new system of intensive calf workouts. try it for yourself and see what it can do for you!

side affects may include: slight burning of calves, more sex than usual, gastrocnemius injuries, charlie horses, etc

please consult your doctor before trying this or any intensive calf workout system. do not use if you are currently pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor if you have had any unique calf injuries in the past. DO NOT use if you are not serious about redefining and reshaping your calves....for it may cause bulging and this may result in the neccessity to wear bell bottoms.

WARNING: this product is not for sissies *cough* Lee

BONUS: if you order now, we'll send you a pair of FREE calf warmers absolutely FREE at no extra cost to you! and if you're not completely satisified with the intensive calf workout system, send it back for a full refund and keep the FREE calve warmers as our gift to you...for free.
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