a bit of crappy ass shitttttta writing...makes me wonna puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 17, 2003 20:55

Words now heard but not able to decode,face white with anticipation of another blow,but these impulses are from below,how do you wish for me to hide anymore what were both thinking-feeling-and our pain is how we love,please dont dennie a dying girl's last request=you.

------mhm...wrote a bit today,for some reason it's like reallly hard for me to write anymore,maybe ive become so numb to it all,not fresh enough,eh well give it time,sure something will come along soon enough to kill me.--------- god it's just not my best at all...in fact it's horrible.w/e

North Carolina call's my name,the road leading blocked by leave's/tree's branch's of mistakes,bad choice's made.How can I change what's did and done,mistake's an apology can't ever erase,do you really want to do this with me??Bath in the peacefulness where no one will ever recognize what we hide,a small town..simple life,did you honestly expect anything more from this girl?It's the best I can do right?So pack what you will,memory's scatter your childhood floor,vacuum it up,sweep it all under the rug.Not a picture left to remind us,god let's just be free,cold and snow and time's will help make this numb...And as for me and you..we'll live with the mistake's hidden by the dozen...shh just watch the snow fall tonight-beautiful-were going to be alright. -free.

Im bored...so mad I cant write lately..

Somehow none of this come's out,not even now..my thoughts and feelings seem to be burned together and expressed not..it all just stick's to the side's of my head...steaming,burning,moaning to come out,someway anyway..but their not.

Im shaking from this inhaler thing I got for my cough-dying ha ha-- late's!
"Losing you're self within someone else,never knew I could feel so alive"
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