Aug 21, 2004 00:11
I've changed alot....
I use to hate weed and say I would never do it... I guess alot of people say that at one point in time though...
I have alot of new friends and few of my old ones... I guess people tend to grow away from eachother though and its a normal thing...
I know any change that has happened in me is a change that I dont want to take back. I dont regret any of it.
If there was no change in life... life would be boring.
I use to be upset 24/7... When is the last time I had a really depressing journal entry? Yeah its been awhile...
The only change I miss is the one where I stopped writing poetry... I no longer have that talent. Its gone...
Maybe I could only write it when I was depressed...
I wasnt all that good but I still enjoyed doing it...
Sometimes I miss Amanda... We use to have fun.
I miss Jamie and Dash. I havent talked to them in ages.
I miss 7th and 8th grade... When I had friends.
I miss speech and debate... thats the best class I ever had... Not because of what we did but because of the people in it. We were all such good friends.
I miss stacy and Rhiannon. I dont think I could ever be as good of friends with them again though...
But just because I miss that stuff dosent mean that I want it back. I dont. Im happy with what I haveright now... The friendships... The relationship... The family life... The "party" life.
I know some day it will all catch up to me and I wont be able to "party" as much... But while I still can... Why not do it?
I wish me and emily would hang out more.. Its not our fault we cant though.. Her mom dosent let her do much.
Today I was reading through old entrys and found some stuff...
Stuff that shows me as, really gay, bitchy, dumb, random, changed.
"Today I found out that over the weekend Rachel cheated on me with one of her friends"
Last girlfriend I had before I came out.
"Im sick of girls at my school with their fake little louis vuitten purses claiming they are real"
Me being gay.
"Yeah so today this ghetto bitch was like god damn walk faster So I was like uhm bitch i cant walk faster then the people in front of me."
Me being bitchy back.
"oh and Marissa should just got kill herself... Ryan hates her. and her ex is hooking up with her mom I mean what could be any worse than that? I mean ewww god."
Me to involved in the OC
"Jennys guy at lunch today was being dumb and Jenny was like "your not even funny" and I was like "I agree maybe If I was in 7th grade you would be"
My total hatrid for someone.
" Im glad Im never having any kids. If I did I would sell them on the black market. thought If I did they would be names hmm Hayden and Blair :). Though thats not possible because im never having kids. Emily said I can adopt cute ones from China I dont think I would have enough rice though."
Me and showing what a boring keyboard class does to you
"This one time when I was walking down the street this one dog walked up to me and was like hey. and I was like woah your a talking dog. Then I woke up."
Me being random.
"Ok well after school I did my daily routine of shower and changing clothes after being with all those gross people all day"
Me being gay.
"it was an ok movie I just wanted to shoot whoever picked out what clothing she wore"
Being gay again.
"Jessica T is a whore she has amandas chucks and my shirt she needs to burn in hell nasty girl."
Me being bitchy/gay
"Me Jackie emily jenny and Kellie were feeling rebilous so we sat at a different table for 5 minutes this time."
Me being dumb.
"fourth block some girls thong was showing and amanda preshious darrious andrew and corey were to afraid to say something so I yellld TIFFANY she goes huh? i go pull up your pants."
Me being an asshole
"I grabbed so many people in bad places SO many times on accident but nobody cared because it was the cool thing to do lol."
Me having fun.
"God weed sucks. we hang out. What does everyone want to do? Smoke Weed. God I hate it its so unfair. Im not like that at all. I dont do that shit so i sit there while they fucking do it. God I hate them"
Showing the change.
"I mean hes a really sweet guy and stuff and hes always nice to me but he lives 45 minutes away and thats just a little crazy."
Another sign of change.