Aug 27, 2006 14:30
First, I want to thank everyone last night for their help and concern.
Last nigh at PWX, me and Sean Dahmer were cutting a promo that was interrupted by Nikita Allanov and Bigg. Bigg ended up attacking all 3 of us, and clotheslined me to the outside. When I went over the top rope, I somehow came down on the floor (I think landing on my back) and my head bounced off of the floor. From there I apparently had a really bad concussion, and was fighting having to go to the ER. Good news is I was better within a few hours and am fine now. I still have a little bit of a headache, but I'm gonna make sure I take things easy this week so I'm ready to go for BDW next week. Me and Dan Sandwich are going to be defending our newly won Tag Team Titles against The Puerto Rican Wrecking Crew in a "Brown Bag Match." Four poles will be hung from the ringposts. Hanging from each pole will be a brown paper lunch bag, and inside of each one will be a weapon that can be used legally during the match. It should be alot of fun, and I encourage anyone in the area to come check it out.
In other news, I have a new email address,
That is all...