A doctor who entry. LOL, as if i ever post about anything else.

Dec 09, 2009 17:31

'Kay, so I was on the train yesterday, and I saw someone who looked exactly like Matt Smith. I'm not even kidding; he was slightly younger, had a bit more weight on him and his eyebrows were... um, darker. But it looked just like him. I nearly went over and asked for an autograph or asked how life in the TARDIS was or something. Until I realised two things. Number one: The day Matt Smith walks anywhere near where I live will be the day the TARDIS materialises in my garden. And number two: It... isn't him. Still. It was wierd.

Also, could newspapers and magazines please not to be reminding me of the regeneration looming around the corner. I AM EXCITED FOR THE EPISODE, NOT THE "DEATH OF THE DOCTOR!!" OR THE "END OF HIS TIME" or whatever. I saw about six magazines with similar titles today, all with the same "TENNANT IS REGENERATING AND THERE'S A NEW GUY. ONOEZ" stories inside, like people only just noticed or something.

I began my Ten-rewatch yesterday with The Christmas Invasion.

And in case anyone cares.

The Ten episodes I'll be watching are: The Christmas Invasion, Tooth and Claw, Impossible Planet/Satan Pit, Doomsday, The Runaway Bride, The Shakespeare Code, The Lazarus Experiment, Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords, Fires of Pompeii, Midnight, Stolen Earth/Journey’s End, The Waters of Mars.

They're all favourites of mine, actually. I was gonna put Blink in there, too, since it's actually in my top three, but... there's not really much Ten in that one. Hm. Maybe if I have time.

But anyway. The thing that struck me most about The Christmas Invasion was OMG TEN, HOW SO YOUNG AND PRETTY?

Thus, it is my duty to bring you...

Neck porn.

I would've never been able to not sneeze in this scene. Or giggle. Not with Rose's hair in my face. Hee.

More neck porn.

Close proximity here. I like it more than I should.

I just put this in to LOL at the Christmas tree shaped hole in the wall... I wonder if the Doctor ever fixed that.

"Did you miss me?"

Important 'Do I look sexy to you?' conversation.

Random, but this scene made me LOL when I first saw it.


Proof if ever any was needed that Ten's oral fixation started early on.




Aw, Doctor and Harriet Jones hugs!

...Or not.

Oh well. HAPPY GROUP HUGS INSTEAD. Harriet Jones is not invited. She helped murder the evil aliens who wanted to kill them all. How dare she?

YOU LOOK SO YOUNG AND NAIVE AND HAPPY, DOCTOR. ;_; ...well, niave to an extent anyway.

The Doctor doesn't do domestic. Look at him, not doing domestic!

Phew. That was more images than I meant to use. Oh well. I sure hope you enjoyed that dose of time wasting I just did there. Call it an early Christmas present.

christmas tiems, fandom (dw), real life, !picspam

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