Mar 21, 2013 01:45
Tourism always attracts me. When I was a child, I said, 'Mom, Dad, I'll be an animator at the Turkey!" No. Animation is not mine. I admire work in hotels, events, and, of course, the restaurant business. During my 18 years I have visited many countries, and thereby gained experience and useful knowledge. I had different feelings when I was walking in the streets with my camera, looking all around. It's amazing, believe me!
And now a new journey to a country where I have been 4 or 5 times (I got off the account!). Versus all previous visits - it's spontaneity and at this time, I was only with my mother. To be honest, Turkey (where I was going to go) is a country which doesn’t impress me anymore. Probably because I was in much more interesting countries: some struck me with its history (Austria, for example), others - unique culture (Egypt and India), as well as those that are moved by its beauty and perfection (for instance, Switzerland).However, despite all this, I waited for this journey, because I had not seen the sea for two years. Just said goodbye to the last year in high school, my mother and I were eating our breakfast on the plane. No wonder that, having entered on the Reception of the hotel, a smile crept on my own lips. Young Turk, with ruffled hair, which had been impregnated with gel, smiled and gave back our passports with the words: «Your room number is 5701».
We found disadvantages everywhere in this hotel. After several days, we rested and began to enjoy our vacation. I am sure that everyone who was traveling had the man who was more important than the others. Of course, it was not love, but just sympathy. Interest. Despite the fact that after a long relationship that has already passed, I promised that this time - «no men». It (as always) gone to the dogs when I climbed the stairs and said to a pleasant Turk: «Two Turkish teas». He was not tall, like a lot of guys in Turkey, and I would not say that he was as handsome as Johnny Depp. But talking to him every night and watching how he turns bottles, I thought, «What a nice man!».
Arriving at the hotel, I discovered that there were no attractive men except my Darts coach - Alper. "So it’s great! No men-no problems" - I thought because I had a contract with a conscience "no boys". With those guys, who played with us in the darts and Alper, we fooled around, danced and just went crazy. Although he was 27 years old, he was still a child. That's I know exactly!
The evening was warm, like always in Turkey. Villas of the hotel highlighted in flames excellently, the quay was crowded with people, and the sea gently buzzing, driving away bad thoughts. The bar, where those barmen worked, was not full of people.
- Two Turkish teas, please.
The young man, dressed in a standard uniform, smiled.
A few minutes later, I have enjoyed the unique taste of Turkish tea. Damn it, why it is so delicious!
- Do you speak English? - He asked.
- Yes.
- What is your name?
- My name is Dasha. - I smiled and got a smile in return.
- Nice to meet you so much.
- Me too.
He smiled again, and I realized that in a fight with my conscience and agreement, I have already lost.
- I want you to come to the disco. - He said at the time when my mother, who (thanks God) does not understand anything in English, and me were going to go home. «We are so tired, maybe tomorrow».
The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face. I rarely like the people at first sight. But he seemed sincere and very kind. I went to a bar to drink coffee, but I saw that he wasn’t there. I realized that he works only at nights. It is a pity, because I have lots of free time during the day. Never mind... Behind the bar, as always with a smile on his face, the best Darts player in the world - Alper - was sitting. We talked about something, after he made me buy bingo tickets and left, satisfied as never before.
Disco - a sacred thing, but I do not want to leave my mother alone, because she missed dad a lot. Waiting until the evening, which was pretty cool, my mother and I went (finally) to the bar to drink tea, well, or something stronger. «Good evening!» - With a joy I said, when I saw a familiar kind face. In response, he just smiled, took the order and, without saying a word, gave our tea. "It is not surprising that he has already forgotten about me, because there are a lot of girls and Turkish boys are so loving!" I was a little depressed. I was sure that he says that a standard set of words to each pretty girl. In spite of all these passions, the next night I wore a dress, made up eyes (which was rare in the vacations), took my mother (of course) and went to the bar. He was too busy, but gave me two minutes to know what we were going to drink. Pick up my hot chocolate; I sat at the table where my mother was waiting for me. "Tea will be later, it is not ready yet!" - I said to her. She just nodded, probably in order not to disturb the sounds of live music, which came from the scene. Soon, the barmen, whose name I have not bothered to learn (and why? He does not know mine!), gave me mum’s tea. I was looking at him for about 10 minutes. Rubbing the bar with a wet towel, he caught my eyes and smiled. "What a nice guy!"
- Dasha, a barman is calling you. - My mother told me, interrupting my thoughts.
Turning, I saw him with a cup of tea. He asked to come up. "It is strange, because I have not ordered more tea!"
- Again?
- Can I speak to you when you have a free time? ...
He said something else, but it was hard to understand. The group, performing songs of John Lennon, obviously were too loud. Free time... Yes, I agreed. "Make up is a strong thing".
From that day on, I was always waiting the evening. The hotel was full of Russian and Ukrainians, who were annoying me. Drinking vodka at 35 degrees heat? Disgusting. The barman was the one of the few people who did not asked me meaningless phrase (in Russian): "If you're Russian, why do not you speak your native language?" Maybe that's why I waited to meet him over and over again. The only sad thing is that he was too busy with his work.
When we got to the bar, he smiled. My mother and I were happy about this relationship. Very nice.
- Mom, what will you drink?
- What have you got in the bottle above, I can’t see? - Asked my mother, ignoring my question.
- Whiskey. - Barman replied.
- Pour me a bit.
The bar counter light of different colors of the rainbow, bottles and glasses sparkled from lights. The sea was black as the abyss, with pale moonlight. It was the most pleasant place in the hotel, and people here were great. The boys, who always served us during the day, knew what we drink, the Mojito and Turkish coffee in the morning. In the evening, everyone knew that we drink tea.
- Why did not you come yesterday?
- My mum did not let me go, she is worrying about me.
He smiled and handed me my hot chocolate.
- When are you going home?
- The day after tomorrow.
After tea, whiskey, cocoa, and something else (I can not remember) we went to play bingo, which is, as Alper claimed, was a win-win. Frankly, it was very hard to think about something else when you know that you would have to go home soon. I'm not just talking about my favorite barman, but all in general. For example, I could not even imagine a day without a Sun Dance at 10 am with all the animation team, which, apparently, was dancing all night at discos and drinking alcohol, I could not even think that at 11 I'm not going to play darts with Alper who has already became my friend, could not imagine a day without a Mojito, sauna, massage, sports hall, Pool game, show, mini disco, where children are so small and so cute, dancing with the animators. In general, depression has already made itself felt. Furthermore father called me and said that it is raining in Russia.
That night I could not sleep for a long time. Tomorrow is my last day. I would have to go to the bed early without disco, just because I would need to wake up early morning. I knew that I could lose contacts with a man who was very important for me. Well, nothing can be done.
The next day, while my mother had a massage, I went to drink tea.
"When mathematics results will come? We have decided if we pass all the exams we would get drunk or you have already forgotten? "- I texted my friend who stayed in my hometown with cloudy weather and rain. I could hear the rattling bottles, but, to be honest, I did not even want to look up. "What to drink?" - I thought, when suddenly I realized - there is a God.
Favorite barman in a white shirt smiled and asked me what I would drink. He offered me his special cocktail and began to whip the mixture into a shaker. Cocktail was simply wonderful.
- I will miss you so much, - he said, - I'll give you my email and phone number, OK?
- Of course.
Carelessly torn piece of paper, he wrote his contacts. For the first time I saw that his name is Hamdi. We were talking about all nonsense. I told him what I was going to do after school that I want to work in tourism as well as he. I did not notice that there was a man, quite handsome, who also heard our conversation, he asked me: «Where are you from?»
- I'm from Russia.
- Not from Ukraine? There are lots of people from Ukraine.
Word for word and we were talking about travels, weather, and his company. Hamdi, who, from time to time, was standing near said nothing, but gave me a rose, which (somehow) made of cloth. Perhaps he was a bit jealous that I do not pay attention to him.
I was ready to say goodbye to him when my mum and me were getting ready to go to the room to prepare for dinner. But my mother suddenly said: "Will not we go today to the disco?" "Sure, let's go!" - I was delighted.
We went to the show, laughed at the jokes of the animators, and then, all together, went to the Neptune Bar, where all the fun started. There weren’t free tables when we arrived. "Even better - I thought - we can sit at the bar."
- Hamdi, one Turkish tea for me please.
He smiled and a moment later, tea was already standing in front of me. Poor barmen. Watching them I realized that this work is much more complicated than it seems. Of course, I can do the mojito myself but you need to please everyone who stood around the bar. My mother laughed at joke, which I told her. I was knocked on the back by someone, and when I turned around and saw that it was the same man (his name is Murat), who were talking to me in the afternoon.
- Dasha, if you want, you can seat with me.
I politely refused, in a second I heard Hamdi’s voice: «Yes, seat here please».
It was interesting to watch people on the dance floor. They were all different. I did not want to leave. Say goodbye to the sea, sun and good people is always difficult. Although I miss my dad, I was not ready to return. I persuade myself that I will see my lovely girls from school and the best friend who was waiting for me.
- Why are you seating here, come on, let's dance!
Alper took my spoon, which was lying on a saucer of tea, and put it on his nose. I was laughing not because I have not seen this focus before (I even did it once), but because it was so childishly. As he put the spoon back, Hamdi, taking it, threw it in the dishwasher. Jealousy? I don’t think so.
Probably, everyone is interested in how my vacation ended. Someone reading this may be, hopes that I stayed in Turkey and lived happily with Hamdi or Alper or maybe Murat. Others thought, "After three days Hamdi will forget about her and will say the same things other girls" (I fully agree with this point of view). Whatever you think I went home. And do not stop to believe that my favorite barman is one of the kindest people I have ever met. Trust me, he is very nice.
All the same, journey is a good thing, is not it?
my life,