I like to make my own layout headers even though other people can make better ones than I can. I feel like it's more personal that way. That's also why most of my avatars are ones that I've made. I feel like they reflect who I am better. I do have a bajillion avatars that others have made saved to my hardrive though. I'm an icon whore. ^_^
So anyway, I just thought I'd post my past and current layout headers in this post. I like to look back at what I've done from time to time.
Version 1
Version 2
Version 4
-Current header-
I wanted a asian theme with a Dash_of_Mystery twist and this is what I came up with. The plush cat in the header I actually own; I had taken a picture of it. Isn't he cute?! I call it Lucky Kitty because it says 'lucky' on it's fan. Actually I named it the Japanese word for lucky but I always forget what it is. ^_^
You may ask, "where is version 3?" The truth is that I was in the process of making a layout header for the seventh Harry Potter's release, but I didn't get it finished. I consider it version 3 even though I've never actually used it. I'm weird that way. X)
If anybody wants to use any of these headers for their journal that's fine by me. I'll customize them for you. All you have to do is ask. Just don't forget to credit and remember that I do have college and everything, so I might not get to you right away.
Oh, and I might not be the best person to ask for coding and everything. It took me hours to figure out which piece of coding changed what on my profile. You can always ask though. The worst that can happen is that I might say that I don't know. :)