You're only saying that because you read my most recent entry! I just assumed nobody was going to bother commenting on this (they didn't all of yesterday), so I caved and bitched about Paeds. If you hadn't seen that entry, would you still have guessed #2? I thought #3 was a really cleverly-worded red herring...
It was pretty hard to guess, but yes, I admit I read the last entry and seized the opportunity :P For some reason, I didn't think #3 was the lie... totally irrational, though! Was #2 the lie in the end?
But, but, I was quite nice about the Paeds firm in the last entry, really - all I said was that kids are difficult and that there's a lot to learn! Oh well. And yes, #2 was the lie (might as well say, only about 3 people ever read and comment on my LJ anyway). Re: number #3, I think girls should get Gardasil, not Cervarix (the former stops girls getting genital warts as well as cancer, whereas the latter just protects against cervical cancer). The NHS allegedly went with Cervarix because the manufacturer gave a discount, but IIRC, the drugs cost the same amount before any discount is applied. So it was supposedly a financial decision on the part of the NHS. But ask any doctor, pretty much, and they would give their daughter Gardasil.
Aaah, I googled Cervarix after posting my last comment to you (perhaps I should have done this *before* commenting in the first place?) and read about the issues involved- I am shockingly ignorant about these matters! Appalling :( Don't worry, you were nice about Paediatrics! It was the 'seriously' that made me choose it, for some reason.
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