LJ Interests meme results
- 767:
The "family car" of the Boeing family. Also the first widebody I ever flew on, and got to jumpseat in at like 2am. Remember playing 'aisle tag' with my sister on a cross-country red-eye flight - air crash investigation:
Morbid? Maybe. Interesting? Hell yes. It's like CSI for planes. I wouldn't mind doing that for a living one day. Just two problems with that idea. One, I'm really squeamish, and two you need a degree or to have been a pilot. So scratch that for now. - airport:
*yawn* I don't really need to explain that one do I?? - cabin crew:
trolley dollies, bikkie chuckers, wagon dragon, cart tart, peanut pusher, hostie, stewardess, air babe, whatever you wish to call them (although they can be guys you know!) I know them socially or deal with them on a daily basis. Both the princesses and the nice guys. - corporate jets:
LearJets of course (heh heh Planegirl) but also that new... what was it...? Gulfstream? Bombardier that you posted? Now that was "hawt" :) - emirates:
Again, "well duh". I like their hat. And their planes are nice and shiny. - fresh airlines:
Ever seen that Brit series 'Mile High'? Then you'll know what I mean. (The girls' uniform wasn't too bad either) - movies:
all kinds, action romance adventure, doco, comedy.... must admit I haven't been to the movies for awhile though. Last move I saw was Pride & Prejudice. I really want to see the penguin one! - ozjet:
Asutalia's short-lived business-class airline. Damn. I really wanted those display chairs for my lounge room. - runways:
Well duh, I don't quite know why someone who likes flying would be interested in runways... :p
I actually DO like runways, I like how their piano keys welcome you, the numbers change, they have the twinkly lights, there's different sorts - asphalt, concrete, dirt, clay.... hooning around on one would also rate up there as one of those thrill/scary things to do... =)
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