Dec 13, 2009 10:32
Ok, so I know I am crazy with the trips, but this one was particularly mad. I left the house around 5pm on Friday and headed to Seatac since I had 2 connections - the direct to ATL flight was $800 vs. $400 for the outbound via SLC. Since I bought the tix before I quit my job, I couldn't risk staying an extra day (well, I guess I could have, since i would have been out by xmas and was using 3 days then).
Anyhow, I got to ATL, took a shower (LOVE the SkyClub in Concourse E for that!) so I'd be fresh when I got here. We even arrived 15 mins early. Sadly, all the flights come in at the same time. Luckily, we weren't the last one, and I was up front, so it only took 30 mins to get through Customs (there were at least 500 people behind me when left Customs). I got the rental car and headed on my way. Of course, my sense of direction was all messed up and I of course ignored the sign ("can't be right - master navigator!") and drove 5 miles before giving in and turning around (when I saw a town name and it was on the opposite road!).
Once I got back on the road, scenery was AWESOME!!! It is really a very lovely island. Apparently, tons of crime which is sad but I don't think many see it if they stay at the resorts (like Haiti or Jamaica) - personally, I like to see the "real" country. Though I can also appreciate a good beach. Though, after my doctor appointment on Friday and my weigh in, I may need to use the reverse psychology to drop 25 lbs - like charity donation to the GOP or some other "worthy" right wing cause to get me motivated.
Anyhow, back to the road to Sufriere. The sea with the cliffs was amazing. Unfortunately, I won't be able to load pics until I get home as my new phone as a different cord than my camera now and so I didn't bring THAT cord - d'oh!
I approached Sufriere and saw the wonder that is the Pitons. Probably one of the most breath-taking vistas in the Caribbean. It was quite lovely. Of course, the beauty was interrupted by the stench that is the "drive thru" volcano...When I arrived to Sufriere town, there was a big funeral so the roads where CHOCK-FULL!
And by the way, the roads are VERY narrow in the towns and often 1 lane (share!) with driving on the left. I kept saying to myself "Keep left, Scott! Keep Left!!!") but it was easier than I thought (especially since it was crazy hair pin turns all over the place!!!).
I got to the edge of town and phoned the hotel to get the directions (it was rather easy, but they had you call in - very odd) so I got to the hotel just in time for sunset. I took a few photos and made my way back to town for a little dinner. I had a nice Fish Creole with black beans and plantains --- mmmm, love plantains!
After dinner I walked back UP HILL (and it far steeper than I remembered - another reason to drop a few lbs!) to the hotel and was in bed early as I wanted to get a relatively early start. Well, I woke up around 7ish and got ready but the hotel was spooky quiet. I eventually bumped into a lady and she said a waitress would pop by in 30 mins or so (this was at 8) to get my breakfast order. I read some of my book until about 9 but no I went hunting around as i really wanted to get up to Castries since they require 3 hours before departure to get to the airport. I finally checked out and had a small plate of fruit before heading up to Castries.
The drive was pleasant with a number of lovely view points. Looks like the island has fallen on some slightly harder times, since many of the stalls with handicrafts were shuttered up. I did get a few things, but not much.
There were 2 ships in port and I passed many of the "taxi tours" on the way in most likely heading down to the Pitons. The town was pretty shut since it is Sunday and also their National Day is Monday (actually today, but they get tomorrow off).
After a walk around and a few requests for tips, it was time to head out. I wouldn't unfortunately have time to go up to Gros Islet (probably could have but I bet the line at Customs would have been awful an hour later) but did enjoy the vistas on the way back on the other road (the one I started on but turned around on yesterday). If tomorrow wasn't a holiday I probably would have taken the extra day to go further north, but then I would have had extra time for the beach tomorrow I guess - and not in my flabby ass condition! :)
Anyhow, it was a lovely trip - always nice for a little warmth in winter! Thanks St Lucia - or country 73!