
Jan 26, 2008 06:12

Someone decided to kick our front door in at approx. 2.30am this morning. Apparently they didn't decide to take anything straight away, but came back about 10 minutes later to attempt entry.

Thankfully, by this point me and a housemate had woken up (me by the noise that sounded like an explosion - this must be a noisiest burglary attempted). He scarpered when he realised he was trying to break into an occupied house.

There had been a frantic knocking on the door about 15 minutes before the actual break-in, which is so weird. That actually woke me up and so I was only half asleep when the big noise came.

Three of my housemates are still asleep!

Nothing was stolen (which seems odd, as my camera bag and ipod were well within grab-and-run distance) and the police were fantastic when they did eventually arrive (to be fair it's a friday night, so we weren't expecting them any earlier!).

Great way to start the weekend, eh?

How are you?
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