Landed in Malta

Jul 23, 2006 16:48

We are sitting now in a very air-conditioned Internet cafe in Valetta. Ziffa is the name of it I believe (you know, in case you want to head right out and meet up here).

Malta is really pretty. Air Malta however - now THERE's the Veal Calf feeling I knew I was missing when I flew over here on NorthWest.

The flight from Berlin to Malta was mercifully short (well, 3 hours of short, but still it could have been a lot worse)

One of the last nights in Berlin we were talking to the waiter at the hotel cafe, who was telling us that going to Malta was like walking into the 50's... I can totally see that - well except for the greater proliferation of AC and this nice Internet Cafe - Internet Cafe's in the 50's were way more primitive...

Its Sunday so most everything is closed here - just like Sunday used to be... walking around in the 36 degree C heat and looking for a place we happened upon a McDonalds - Amy and I were starving so we dove in... Ahh if there is a traditional day of rest leave it to an American corporation to come on in and shatter that tradition - but really after that we saw that there was a goodly number of restaurants and whatnot open...

Anyway, at somepoint this week, I'll write about Berlin - there is much to be written there.

For now, I'll use the last of my time catching up on my chess by-email games....
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