Jan 03, 2005 21:54
Here's the deal. Having one of these things seems to be what the "cool kids" are doing these days, and I have about the length of a life to waste. So I figured "What the fuck?". Thats also what your sister said when decided to make out with me last night.
But seriously...Your sister's a whore.
I'm probobly going to update this P.O.S (Piece of Shit) fairly regularly....I have no fucking idea how to spell that. But you get the idea. On a decent basis.
The fact that you're reading this proves one of two things.
A) You have far too much time on your hands and you should take up a hobby. I suggest douchebaggery.
B) You are drunk. Very, very drunk.
If you're anything but Irish like myself, you should go with choice "A".
Now here's the part where I tell you about myself, right?
My name's John Anthony Appleton and I'm a student at the sucktastic Lynn English High School, an academic and "educational" institution devoted to depriving teenagers, grades 9-12, a shot at life. Thanks, Mr.Fila. Fucking child pornographer....ANYWHO! My birthday is January 9th, 1988. I'm a Junior. I'm mostly Irish, although, somewhere in my family's history, somebody decided to fuck a British person, and someone decided to fuck a Canadian. Canada....Canada's not a country. Its America II.
I'm 140lbs and about 5'6" or so. I don't know. My friends Matt, Mike, Dan, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Eric, Ibrahim, Jamal, Cassi, Murphdirt, The Twins (Thats what your mother calls them), Ian, Adam, Johnny, Anthony, that guy, somebody, that bitch, and about 20 other people I forgot take up most of my life. Porno is fun for the whole family, especially if you're from Alabama.
A word of advice to anyone who attends LEHS-Harry Coukos molests young boys.
One of the greatest movie's I've ever seen is The Boondock Saints. It makes Mahatma Gandhi look like a child pornographer.
I hope you had fun reading this. I'll try harder next time if you didn't. And I just lied to you. I don't try. Trying is the first step toward failure.
Sincerely (Like you know what it means...),
John Appleton
Your Local Muckraker