OK even more exciting news. I am finally, finally, FINALLY, getting off my butt and am going to release my album!
For those who don't know, I have a music project called Scalar. It has a myspace, with a couple of tracks on it (I'm going to put another one up soon):
http://www.myspace.com/scalarproject Anyway I've been working on this stuff for years. I'm going to finally release my album. Which I've had sitting on my hard drive collecting virtual dust for like, ages. And I'm going to release it on my record label,
Cranial Fracture Recordings. Yes, after many years, there is going to be a FRAC06! The last album on Cranial Fracture was Sulphur's album in like 2005 or something. Ages ago.
Anyway I have organised for mastering; I am going to use Danny from Red Ferret, who mastered the first Cranial Fracture release, Dissonant Structures, all the way back in 2002 (wtf?! that thing came out 8 years ago?! holy fuck!). He not only remembers me, he refers to me as "the Cranial Fracture legend", still raves about the compilation, and is going to give me a cheap rate, which is great, because good mastering isn't that cheap.
Then there is artwork to organise, and manufacturing, but that's pretty painless (I'll go through Troy Horse, who we used a few times back in the Cranial Fracture days).
So the album could be out in a few months! Awesome!
Then I can start working on the NEXT one (I actually already have, though haven't finished a track yet) without feeling guilty for not releasing the first one. Woo!