Nov 10, 2006 15:07
It's been a mixed bag of a week.
Up - Democrats wrest power from villainous Republicans (Not that many Dems are any less villainous)
Up/Down - Receive first rejection letter for a Short Story Submission
Down - Rejection of Resume sent in for Editorial Assistant
Down - Another Rejection of Resume for another Editorial Assistant
Down - Being bummed and not keeping up with NanoWrimo (thought at 15000 words I am still in line to finish on time.)
Up - Take over another Planet on Escape Velocity (Yeah that one's kind of silly, but it's something in light of this crap week)
Up/Down - Realizing my writing prime part of the day (when I am most inspired to write, write write) is at 2pm or there abouts, and then realizing I am at work at that time.
Down - Finding out I might have to pay $1200 for Dentist work, when this was definitely not made clear when the dentist was about to do the work.
Up - Talking to my Dad and then to My Mom tonight.
Up - Joining NetFlix
Down - Having a late charge on Prairie Home Companion DVD (Reason for Getting NetFlix)
Okay now I am stretching, so... Blah. Who needs a drink?