We start Again...

Jan 02, 2006 18:01

A new year has come and this year, I truly feel a fresh start is with me. Though my last two days have not been more than relaxing, I look forward to pushing myself...(Mostly to write). To begin to do what I was thinking of doing with myself and never have. To question whether this little journal is a worth while writing tool and outlet. Blah, blah, blah new year begins and here we start.

I am set do a personal NanoWrimo with my friend Normdesplum this month. 50k on whatever project we are working on at the time and I am still working on that same idea from last June. you know the one. But here it is, less talking more writing, though here I am not getting started on the contest when I should be, but letting you all know what is going one. Heh. I feel so odd right now, but I wanted to get warmed up typing before I started so here I am spewing thoughts at you.

If My boss ever taught his children to swim I believe he was the type to throw them in the water and shout swim at them until they sputtered to shore or drowned. It feels that way when he gives me new projects. He says in conversation to others that I might be doing something soon and then two days later says I should be working this project, when he's never trained me or even really said. This is what you will be doing in a couple days. I mean it's a compliment that he somewhat trusts that I can do just about anything he throws at me, but I also flounder sometimes trying to figure out what the fuck to do. huh.

Christmas was good, short and way too much travel. It was great to see family. New Years Eve was mellow, but still fun. I miss a lot of people right now, but am seeking to sort of focus on writing. I need to do it, and not just say someday, when I am an author. I need to write, practice, write, write, edit, send off things and get rejected a lot and hope that one day I will see something on a shelf with my name on it. this whole post feels a lot less confident than I was hoping I was at the beginning of this year, but here I go. It's seat of my pants time. I may be posting here less and less, but I will try and keep up with you folks, by replying to your posts. I hope this 2006 year is the best you've had yet. Live life... truly live it.
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