teh bayta

Apr 21, 2010 16:23

Played two games of SC2 so far, both against the same guy in the 'Novice' bracket of the Practice League. Rather than being an actual ladder, the Practice League plays on Slow (or Normal or something but it's def not Faster) and arranges destructible rocks so that rushes generally aren't possible.

The first game I lost. Other guy actually built a bunch of troops and sent them after me. All I had were some Reapers. Shit happens.

Next game, me and the guy ham it up a bit about how that was our first game and we just got our beta keys from game stop blah blah blah I build units that can hop up and down cliffs, thereby passing the destructible rocks that keep me from rushing him and I rush him. My macro fell off at one point, but my micro was DARE I SAY IT pretty damn good.

The moral of this story is 1 Rax FE with Reaper Rush in the Practice League.

EDIT: moral backed up by further research.
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