Google Meme and School Failures

Nov 09, 2007 19:13

snatched from yousogaisaki, a meme! ^.^

Google your name + 'needs,' in quotes ("____ needs"), and post the best results.

I) Vika needs a cochlear implant - a prosthesis in the ear canal inside the skull. [In case I inherited the bad ears from my grandfather, I'm most likely to need them someday o.ov]
II) vika needs a date! Vika needs a date! Vika needs a date! [ATOMROFL this was the second hit. And there are like 100+ hits that go like this. *goes on atomrofl*]
III) Vika needs the following medications: Actovegin, Medrol, Heptral and Vfend [...right?]
IV) Vika needs to know that she is still loved and thought about by her friends [...rofl?]
V) Idiotic people like Vika needs to go to the Mental Institution!!!! Girl u need some srious help!!!!!! [Right.]
VI) vika needs 25 more posts to 1000. [!!!!!!]
VII) Vika needs Cyclosporine for intravenous injections [okay. WHY do I get all that medical stuff? O_O]
VIII) Vika needs serious and long rehabilitation. [Awesome! Holidays!]

So yeah, Maths exam: 14 points! ^_______________^ *happy*
But Music exam only 9 points. I, hm, fail? |D


We had a German exam on Tuesday and last lesson we were doing exercises and discussions regarding 'Gestaltende Interpretation', hereafter referred to as CI as in Creative Interpretation. *is lazy*

Anyway, CI is one of the fields where I feel remotely safe when it comes to German exams and of course I was happy and all like "I'll be taking the CI task on Tuesday!" because he kind-of promised make one task of four or five a CI.

When I looked at the task sheet on Tuesday, I immediately looked for the CI task only to learn that there was NO CI task. Only 'normal' interpretation/analysis. I immediately received a minor Brain Block (tm) accompanied by a feeling of betrayal. Hadn't he TOLD us he'd give us the chance to choose a CI task? Hadn't we talked this special task kind over and over again as of last lesson? So I spent the first valuable minutes contemplating whether there wasn't, by chance, any CI task hidden in one of the analysis tasks. Guess what? Nothing. Riiiight. So I started analyzing. And wrote almost 4 pages. The average for this exam was~ 5-6 pages? A friend of mine wrote 12. Hmmmmm.

The thing is, having a Brain Block (tm) makes it impossible to proper analyze. So I'm pretty sure I screwed up this exam big time.

Additionally, after lunch, during English lesson, I got a Funny Feeling (tm) in my stomach as well as a certain weakness of limbs. Before Spanish lesson, I went to the toilet to discover my supposed-to-be solid excrements were, well, liquid. Hmmmmm.
About 15 minutes later, I experienced an Even Funnier Feeling (tm), made a mad-dash to the toilets and found myself losing my lunch; it came out of my mouth. A friend was so nice to get her mobile so I could call my mother. The evening was spent Feeling Funny (tm) in my bed, sleeping and being afraid of Wednesday. Why? Well. French vocab test for which I had studied hours, Maths lesson I wasn't supposed to miss and English exam. Missing an exam means you've got to get an attestation of illness from a doctor unless you can live with Zero Points (tm). As you can figure, I didn't want that, but then, when I discovered I was getting weaker and weaker, I decided to not go to school. My mother called my friend and she promised to tell the teacher in advance of what happened.

I woke up on Wednesday to my mother waking up my brother who had slept in. I did not feel sick and so I quickly decided to attend the French vocab test, Maths lesson and the English exam.
I forgot I didn't study anything on Tuesday although I had taken Tuesday into consideration when planning my studying.

I made stupid exams in my French test, like writing "cochemar" instead of "cauchemar", "une armistice" instead of "un armistice" and possibly "le refugié" instead of "le réfugié". And I bet I made additional stupidity mistakes.
I was so certain I'd get 15 on this test u_u I hope it'll be 13.
English... was bad. Really, really bad. I had problems reaching the word count limit, writing 130 instead of 150 for one task and 170 instead of 200-250 for the other. I managed to enlarge the texts, but I'm afraid I didn't include new points.
My style suffered and bla. I'm not expecting 14 on this one, although I was hoping to keep 14. Oh~ well.

I didn't go to school on Thursday because well, Physics and RE are NOT important subjects and orchestra practice was canceled. There is no point in going to school on a Thursday that does not have orchestra practice. I spent the day reading. It was~ nice. Really nice.

French exam on Wednesday. I'll prepare well and hope for~ well~ not being sick again.

school, meme

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