Fandom Subject: Europe in 2100
Title Topic: Write a fictional account on Europe in 2100 - either a utopia or a dystopia.
Author Written by: Viktoria
Rating Target Groups: Learners of English, native speakers, (Ober-)Prima students of the German school system and generally people interested in my English homework.
Summary Form: Article, news post, something like that.
Word Count Minimum: N/A
Actual Word Count: ~320
Disclaimer: Completely mine. XD.
Due Date: October 2nd, 2007
Notes: That was fun to write. I exaggerated, fantasized, disregarded geographical distinction and played with whatever. Also, I apologize to all US-Americans that might find this offensive. Warning: Use of underlying irony.
Many countries had forgotten what it felt like to not have enough food to feed all their citizens - some self-proclaimed New Prophets now try to explain what will appear in history books as The Rise of the Sea in some years as a punishment for the self-righteousness and arrogance of middle Europe. Due to one failure after the other concerning a global agreement regarding Global Warming - and environmental issues in general -, the Superflut of 2098 that literally engulfed the Netherlands, Denmark and vast areas of Belgium, Germany, Great Britain and France, triggered by the United States' testing of a vacuum bomb on the surface of the Northern ice desert, set off a mass refugee wave that hit middle and southern Europe completely unprepared.
The help provided by the continent of America - mostly offerings of land to those who lost everything - could only serve as a minor remedy to what the South had to face during the last three years: massive overpopulation, wild and uncontrolled forest cleaning (the proud Black Forest has ceased to exist according to WWF) in order to gain building land, food shortage… the list could go on forever. The New Prophets mentioned above do not have a hard time assembling followers who gladly accept the scapegoats presented by charismatic leaders: first and foremost, the USA; closely followed by those fleeing the waters that now reach until the northern end of Hesse, Germany, causing a lack of lodging even in southern Spain, Italy, Portugal and northern Africa.
Street wars have commenced anew even in areas where such had long been deemed impossible, and the organized crime has experienced a resurrection.
It is now up to the architects searching for a possibility to move a large number of people either under water or into Space to put a stop to an impending World War III.
-- Anonymous, posted on New Voice, September 27th, 2101