miraizu asked for the link to a random short story in order to practice for an English exam. I wanted to help out and googled "short stories" - with the result of stumbling over
Short Stories at East of the Web. This site hosts a gazillion short stories, I think after my first look at it.
So now I have some questions.
Has anyone ever come across this site? If yes, is it really for free? I looked around a bit and never encountered any sign saying "pay".
So if it's free, am I right in my assumption that the authors do not get paid for publishing their work there? You can also print the stories - for free, as it looks like.
How does that work? It reminds me of a fanfiction archive (free, printable etc) except for the fact that it's about original work. I'm confused. Is this similar to Google's goal of "freeing the books" or whatever it's called? Like, having a huge digital library that is accessible by just about anybody?
Even though I think I like the thought of making works of literature accessible to anyone, the question of how the authors live doesn't let go of me.
Personally, I prefer having a book in my hands to sitting in front of a computer screen; I'm conservative like that.