{ooc} Steampunk Event

Jun 20, 2011 12:00

Steampunk Event:  About | Character Homework

Colonel Ivan Vladmirovich Braginsky:
Class: Ivan Braginsky is a noble - his name has become rather infamous, as his father and Grandfather were famous war Generals, now retired. Naturally Ivan was expected to follow in his father's footsteps and uphold the family legacy, and he currently a colonel in the army under the Madame. His family is also personally responsible for keeping the Russian language from going entirely extinct.

Hobbies: Often times Ivan likes to retreat to the shooting range when he has no obligations at work. He can take apart and put together a Mosin Nagant blindfolded in thirteen seconds flat. And to keep up the nobility aspect, his mother insisted that he take on the Cello. Sometimes you can hear him practicing in his work office.

Personal History: His father is very strict, both to Ivan and his older sister Yekaterina, and their mother has been absent most of Ivan's life - not to say that she is never there, just that she is never there. The most words he's heard from her is "sit up straight, dear."

As mentioned before, Ivan has been taught since birth that he was expected to carry on the family legacy. He was sent off to military school at the age of twelve, graduated with honors, and went up the ranks - if not solely for his last name.

Some people say now that the reason he's been stuck on the rank of Colonel (four ranks away from General) was because The Madame has made him personally responsible for a rule-breaking pilot. Ivan can think of several other reasons.

Character Relations
- Emiliana: She runs a restaurant/bar that Ivan frequents so often that he's managed to talk her into discounts and free vodka. He enjoys staying after hours with her and having long talks with her about anything and everything.
- Natalia: Since the age of five, even before Ivan knew he would join the Military, Ivan knew that he would one day wed Natalia. The Braginsky and Arlovskaya families have been in long agreement, have a long history together, and planned to carry out some business or power deals related to Ivan and Natalia's marriage. Ivan is not terribly thrilled to marry her, and keeps postponing the wedding.
- Veronika: Ah, the Madame. She is Ivan's superior officer. He wished it were the other way around. She's also made Ivan personally responsible for babysitting Jones.
- Raivis: Raivis lives in the Braginsky home, and is often what Ivan takes his anger out on when he can't get to the shooting range.
- Gilbert: Their families have been long rivals in desire for control of Libertas. 
- Francis: Ivan knows a certain underground secret about his, and thus likes to hold it over the "nobleman's" head, mostly just to tease him, but occasionally to get things he wants.

Hobbies: Often times Ivan likes to retreat to the shooting range when he has no obligations at work. He can take apart and put together a Mosin Nagant blindfolded in thirteen seconds flat. And to keep up the nobility aspect, his mother insisted that he take on the Cello. Sometimes you can hear him practicing in his work office.

Secret: The real reason Ivan's holding off on the marriage to Natalia? He's sleeping with one of his underlings. And even though he hasn't been able to rise up the ranks because of this idiotic blonde pilot he's sleeping with, he would like one day to succeed Veroinika and take control of the military... by any means necessary. Those stories you've read in the papers about Veronika's near-assassinations? Ivan's doing.

(Sir) Dewi Ainsworth Kirkland (The Toymaker):

Class: Even if his mother is a commoner, he is still of noble decent because his father, Lord Henry Kirkland, is of some of the noblest blood in Libertas. Like his little brother Arthur, he's decided to reject that lifestyle and take on his mother's last name to remain unknown among the city - at least in the noble aspect, otherwise he is quite well known... among the children. He is an inventor, a commoner, and likes to build toys and put on puppet shows for the children.

Personal History: As mentioned above, Dewi was born in the world of nobility in the small amount of time that he and his mother lived with Henry Kirkland... until he took on another mistress. His mother quickly fled that house, leaving her son behind to grow up in a household free of poverty. Dewi, however, spent most of his time in the Kirkland household pestering his brother Arthur, and hiding away in his room where he would tinker with broken, discarded, and stolen trinkets of the household - including his father's prized grandfather clock.

Once Dewi reached the age of eighteen, he left the house and took a job as a secretary for a respected military general - then he quit. He used the little money his job gave him to rent out a shop on main street that he fills with his inventions and toys. It took years and years of struggling, but the man with the odd hair, thick goggles and charred clothing has become a legendary toy maker among children.

He likes to create mechanical toy versions of animals that have been long extinct, especially sheep.

Character Relations
- Arthur: His younger brother is a pain in the ass to say the least, but their hatred for their father's rules and regulations is the only thing they bonded on. He always ponders joining Arthur on his ship, but his shop ties him down...
- Veronika: Wouldn't you believe that this common toymaker is dating the head of the military? Ha, of course you wouldn't! But it's true. Now buy something or get out.
- Abby: She seems to think that Dewi needs... mothering, as if his own mother doesn't do it enough.
- Nico: His partner-in-crime. It goes like this - Dewi makes 'em, Nico delivers 'em and collects the reward. 
- Toris: Dewi purchases most of his materials from Toris. Toris believes they're for his toys... only half of that is true.

Hobbies: Like I mentioned before, Dewi is an inventor and toymaker. He loves to tinker with discarded objects and fix things that are broken. Sometimes you can hear him singing in his toy shoppe, and if you ask nicely, he'll take song requests.

Secret: He may appear to be just a toymaker, but if you go into his shop and look beneath the broke jute box he's been working on fixing, you'll see a trap door... which leads to a room where Dewi has been designing dangerous weapons for the military. He tells every military that he sells to that they're his only customer, but he sells to all sides. The cannons on Arthur's ship? Dewi's craftsmanship. The new line of guns Veronika's military is testing out? Dewi's handiwork. Ironically, the alias he goes as in this guise is 'the toymaker' but no one ever gives reason to suspect the silly man with the crooked goggles and broken lenses.

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