My back hurts

Sep 01, 2009 09:47

CHUCK'S NEW CD CAME OUT TODAY!!!  I have to go get is as soon as I get out of work!  I'm so stoked beyond belief.

I spent the better part of yesterday bent over weeding.  My back and neck seriously hurt.  But the space between ours and our neighbors driveway looks 1,000 100,000 times better.  It was worth it.  We spent from about 2 until about 8 weeding and moving around shrubs to make it all cohesive and neat.  LOVE IT!

I start school next week.  Holy crap.  I think I'm excited, but know my schedule is going to be just as crazy as last winter when everyone got sick of me and I eventually had a nervous break down complete with a toddler-esque fit.  It's a lot to take on and it may be dumb but people need to understand that I have been at this for 6 years now and I still have nothing to show for it.  I need to take this on like this until it's done, which is only a year away.  So be patient and supportive please.

I think we're brewing again today.  I'm not sure what to think about this whoel thing.  Dave offered us partial ownership a couple weeks ago.  I only told my mom who immediately shot it down saying Dave is a questionable character and the building we're in is owned by the mob.  Thanks for the encouraging words mom....

I'm not even taking what my mom said into consideration, it's ridiculous and silly and I have no idea where it came from.  But I am still skeptical of this getting off the ground.  Dave is IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of.  You can call him 16 times a day or once and he will NOT call back.  It's completely obnoxious.  I also can't read Aaron on this.  He still talks about our own brewery.  Dave has already said there is a possibility of starting a brew pub, so I don't see why Aaron wants to start our own brand.  I mean I guess I can see it, but when something like this is handed to you- why give it up?  I am exhausted from having to finish up school and work, that when I am done with school it would be nice to be able to just brew for a living.  I don't care if I don't use my degree right away.  I would rather just get a masters and teach part time at WCC anyway.

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