Homeopathy (I know, I know)

Nov 15, 2008 21:29

The WTF is strong with this one. They (one of them has an absolutely confidence inspiring degree in Theology, as he so proudly advertises) use Uranium metallicum, Plutonium nitricum and Excrementum caninum in their homeopathic remedies for things like Chron's, Colitis and allergies but also unemployment, anxiety and relationship problems.

Several thoughts: Dog shit? Are you fucking kidding me? Just what is the thought process behind that one? How did they get the idea, that 'hey, getting people to drink diluted dog shit would be awesome'. And Plutonium? Uranium? Really? I mean, REALLY? How did they get their hands on these highly dangerous, radioactive materials? It's not like you just pick these things up at your local pharmacy. My only consolidation is that they probably diluted these 'ingredients' to hell and back, so they won't be dangerous. And the list of things you can treat with Excrementum caninum and Uranium metallicum is just the cherry on top of this huge pile of wtfuckery.

this and that, stupid

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