Jul 06, 2006 04:27
I have actually, and this is to my utter amazement, pissed someone off online. That chick from WSU, the one that flipped out on MY friends about a holocaust joke just deleted me from her friends list for something extremely stupid and petty. She made a post about how she decided to try and "correct" a "bulldykes" ideology on bisexuals. Her approach was horrible and it was just rude; I figured something graceful and filled with something decent. Nope, all that was mentioned was some bullshit Womens Studies 101 shit. "blah blah lesbians, vagina, cunt cunt cunt."---that's what is boiled down to.
Well, I made the simple comment of "why does it matter?" and she exploded. Seriously, I have never been personally attacked like that. She tried to sound sophisticated and filled with drama by telling me that "there are evil ideologies in every community and if you fail to see that then you need to blah blah blah campagin-speech."--Again, it boiled down to her calling me a moron. I could not stand for that. Here was my reply to her half-assed attempt to lash back at, what I thought, was a valid and simple question.
There is a reason as to why I typed that, and that is because I believe it is a valid question; not “pretty smartass” or even “careless.” Why does it matter, to you, what someone in Arizona says on a piss-poor online community? Did that random post infuriate you to such an extent that you had to pull out some material you learned in some WS course to justify why someone’s own beliefs are wrong?
Ok, now first, I believe that any moron can see that there is an extreme to ideology; do not play me as some moron. It is not nice; I was not attacking you. I never said that there was not a “destructive ideology” in this hypothetical community. Second, you of all people should know that there are items that people hold dear to them and will never remove from their moral calculus. Some beliefs or morals are so ingrained that nothing you can say or do will ever change that fact; do not try to play Mother Teresa or “I-am-superior-in-my-logic.”
I do not have an opinion to give that person, because I really do not give a damn what they think. I do not know them, will never associate with them, or will they ever hold sway over my moral calculations. “Why does it matter to you?” , like I said, is not a dumb question. Unless you have “something” to “prove” by your post or by berating that, you typed “smack” to some “bulldyke” online, do not gloat about it for your audience. They have their own version of the sexuality continuum, you have yours; it lowers you to whatever level you place her on when you try to belittle that person.
So, again, why does it matter to you?
She said that I was using harsh language and that I need to watch what I say next time. Ok...I can understand that, but then she decided to play her e-penis...or in her case, her e-clit card. She mentioned that her Livejournal is a scholarly accredited publication. Wait a minute...something doesn't seem right. How the fuck does your livejournal become scholarly? You might have your BA in some bullshit subject, but that doesn't mean that it is some special publication. Also, half the people on your page are either total nut bag radicals, or they have stuck their fingers up their ass and follow your every word.
I had a really, really good reply to her comment going, but my internet fucked up and I lost it. I am sure that would have given me the remove card from her list, but I do not care. I cannot stand people that post a billion fucking times a day about their sexuality or about how they are better than the majority of the people in this country. I do not fucking care if you are some Über liberal, nothing you do, or anything you can learn will elevate you above anyone else; there is always something about someone else that is better or has more applicability.
It was an awesome way of losing a person on Livejournal.com. I was going to do it soon, but that was an awesome catalyst to the situation. In addition, I am going to make this public and she is still on my friends list. Lets the flames start.