In the neighbourhood Tammi lives in there are many stray dogs and cats that usually get fed by inhabitants of whatever building they mostly like to hang out at. There's two strays that Tammi and I especially like (and the feeling is mutual), called Socks and errr... the Mama Dog.
In fact, the Mama Dog (background) is the mother of Socks (front). We found that the Mama Dog was living at some bushes close by sometime last year with four very young puppies - Socks, Fatty, Mars and Milky. We fed them pretty much every day and watched them grow up and more and more used to us. Unfortunately, one by one three of the puppies disappeared and I'd rather not know or think of what became of them, I can only hope they were adopted by some particularly dog-loving people. Socks, however, stayed and together with the Mama Dog happily greeted us whenever we left Tammi's building, often showing us their particular love by pressing muddy little paws all over clothes.
While Socks recently got neutered (which was a minor drama in itself), the Mama Dog got pregnant again and some days ago delivered nine adorable little puppies.
One of them was very weak and died two days ago, as it probably wasn't able to get milk from the Mama Dog, but the others seemed fine until today Tammi found out that the Mama Dog had disappeared overnight and hasn't been around since then. Another one of the puppies died and now Tammi has taken the remaining seven of them up in her apartment to warm and feed them (she called the vet to find out how she can mix some milk that's acceptable to them). And that is the current situation. We have no idea where the Mama Dog is or what happened to her, but one can only assume that she didn't leave her puppies alone voluntarily. I just hope she's okay and that she will come back and that the puppies respond well to Tammi's attempts at saving them, but it's not looking very good so far. :(
UPDATE: The Mama Dog is back, being all depressed and not reacting in any way to the puppies.